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Cream Herbal Untuk Perawatan Kulit

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2007

Kulit merupakan pemisah antara tubuh kita dengan lingkungan sekitar. Kulit mencegah benda-benda asing seperti microorganisme agar tidak masuk ke dalam tubuh kita. Kulit berperan penting dalam pengaturan suhu tubuh, pemindahan toksin, mencegah tubuh dari kekurangan air dan sebagai pemroduksi vitamin D.

Dewasa ini telah tersedia pengobatan untuk mengatasi gangguan pada kulit. Akan tetapi sebagian besar produk tersebut mengandung antibiotik/bahan kimia. Dan yang menjadi permasalahan adalah keamanan jangka panjang dari penggunaan bahan-bahan tersebut masih dipertanyakan karena penyakit dapat mengembangkan suatu kekebalan terhadap obat-obatan bila dipakai secara terus menerus.

Komposisi AV Dermacare Cream secara mendasar diformulasikan untuk mengatasi segala bentuk peradangan pada kulit dengan menggunakan 2 tahapan , yakni : Cleansing (pembersihan) dan Rejuvenate (rejuvenasi - peremajaan sel). Komposisi AV Dermacare Cream seluruhnya adalah bahan nabati yang telah diproses secara ilmiah sehingga menjamin keamanan untuk pemakaian jangka panjang serta tidak menimbulkan efek samping karena tidak mengandung bahan kimiawi.

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Therapy Herbal Untuk Kolesterol

Kolesterol tinggi merupakan ancaman terbesar terhadap kesehatan jantung. Kolesterol, zat seperti lemak yang terbentuk sepanjang dinding arteri, dalam jumlah yang berlebihan akan menimbulkan resiko terjadinya penyumbatan yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya serangan jantung atau stroke.

Pada tingkat normal, kolesterol bukanlah sesuatu yang membahayakan. Sebaliknya, kolesterol merupakan bahan baku yang sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh untuk membangun dinding sel dan memproduksi hormon seperti estrogen dan testoteron.

Sebagai salah satu macam dari zat lemak pada tubuh, kolesterol diklarifikasikan sebagai lipid. Sedangkan lipid yang dibawa oleh darah dan bergabung dengan protein disebut lipoprotein. Ada dua macam lipoprotein yaitu lipoprotein kepekatan rendah (LDL), biasa dikenal sebagai kolesterol buruk dan lipoprotein kepekatan tinggi (HDL), biasa dikenal sebagai kolesterol baik.

LDL cenderung membentuk gumpalan pada dinding arteri, sedang HDL membantu membersihkan kelebihan kolesterol pada aliran darah. Keadaan yang ideal adalah bagi tubuh kita adalah tingkat rendah kolesterol LDL, tingkat tinggi kolesterol HDL dan total tengah-tengah dari keduanya. Dewasa ini, obat yang ada dan beredar di masyarakat umum, selalu mempunyai efek ketergantungan, bisa berfungsi selama digunakan, dan mempunyai efek samping yang serius (kegagalan ginjal, kerusakan hati, penglihatan kabur/hilang).

Komposisi Nabati AV Unilipid setelah melewati proses pengembangan selama 7 tahun lamanya, melalui proses pencarian ratusan jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan, akhirnya terbukti secara klinis mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol di dalam darah secara aman dan efisien serta tidak berdosis ketergantungan. AV Unilipid telah terbukti lebih kuat dan lebih aman dari produk konvensional yang ada di dunia saat ini.

High cholesterol is the best known of all the many threats to a healthy heart. When excess amounts of this waxy, fat-like substance build up along the walls of the arteries, you face a dramatically higher risk of a complete blockage, leading to a heart attack or stroke.
At normal levels, cholesterol is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it's an essential raw material used by the body to build cell walls and produce hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. The body produces its own supply of cholesterol in the liver, and it's found naturally in all animal products (such as meats, eggs, milk, and cheese). It poses a problem only when the body is unable to use or eliminate excessive supplies.
As one of a variety of fatty substances in the body, cholesterol is classified as a lipid. It is carried through the bloodstream attached to proteins, forming complexes called lipoproteins. There are two major types of lipoproteins: the low-density lipoproteins (LDL) commonly known as "bad" cholesterol, and the high-density lipoproteins (HDL) usually dubbed "good" cholesterol. It's the "bad" LDL cholesterol that tends to form deposits on the artery walls. HDLs, on the other hand, help to clear excess cholesterol from the bloodstream. The ideal situation to aim for, then, is a low level of LDL cholesterol, a high level of HDL cholesterol, and a moderate total of both.
Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood. According to the National Cholesterol Education Program, a desirable target profile consists of:

  • A total blood cholesterol level of less than 200
  • An LDL level of:
    • less than 100 if you have heart disease
    • less than 130 if you're at risk of heart disease
    • less than 160 if your risk of heart disease is low
  • An HDL level greater than 40

You are generally considered at risk of heart disease if two or more of the following factors apply to you:

  • Cigarette smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Low HDL cholesterol (below 40)
  • A family history of early heart disease (before 55 in a man, or 65 in a woman)
  • Your own age (over 45 if you're man, over 55 if you're a woman)
Commiphora mukul :
The gum of this herb has been studied by over 100 clinical researchers, all of whom have shown that the herb has significant lipid lowering activity. Based on ethnobotanical data and recent scientific discoveries, we have included this herb as part of the developmental process. It was amongst 195 herbs screened for activity.

Allium sativum:
Garlic as it is commonly called. Whilst eating dietary garlic is recommended it has several problems. The odor is the major one as people’s skin smell all day, but the other is the stability of the herb. An enzyme contained in the fresh bulbs break down the activity ingredient to convert it. By extracting and stabilizing these active compound we have been able to use this powerful herb in the formula.

Trigonella foenum-graecum :
A common vegetable in India, the seeds of this plant yield powerful bioactive substances that help reduce cholesterol. The herb also provides soluble dietary fibers that help transport serum cholesterol out of the system.

Piper Nigrum:
Used in all AV range of products, this is a herb that enhances the Bioavailability of other herbs. It makes the product more effective.

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Therapy Herbal Untuk Usus Besar dan Usus Tebal

Usus besar dan usus tebal adalah merupakan bagian-bagian dari sistem pencernaan tubuh, dimana terjadi proses pemindahan zat makanan dari makanan yang kita makan dan menyimpan sisa pengolahan tersebut sampai semua dikeluarkan dari tubuh. Karena seringnya zat makanan bertumpuk pada bagian ini sehingga menimbulkan toksin yang dapat memicu terjadinya kanker. Kanker yang dimulai di usus besar disebut kanker usus besar. Kanker yang dimulai di usus tebal disebut sebagai kanker dibagian dubur (Colorectal Cancer). Penyebab pasti dari kanker colorectal tidak dapat diketahui secara tepat. Akan tetapi dari penelitian, secara umum kanker colorectal dapat disebabkan karena faktor-faktor : bertambahnya usia, diet, polip yang tumbuh pada usus besar, bisul colitis, sejarah kesehatan keluarga serta sejarah kesehatan pribadi. AV Colex adalah produk yang dikembangkan secara ilmiah untuk menangkal racun pada usus besar serta membantu mengurangi tekanan pada usus dalam proses pembuangan dan pengeluaran sisa bahan-bahan cernaan tanpa merusak bagian pelapis perlindungan. Dalam beberapa kasus kebiasaan diet yang tidak baik menyebabkan tubuh menjadi kekurangan serat dan dipicu pula oleh timbulnya stres, maka tubuh tidak dapat membuang sisa-sisa bahan cernaan secara sempurna, hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya keracunan di urat-urat usus. AV Colex mengandung bahan yang berguna untuk pembersihan halus. Bahan tersebut berfungsi membantu proses pembuangan secara alami oleh tubuh dengan jalan membuat beberapa racun dicampur dengan aman menjadi satu untuk mempermudah proses pengangkutan racun-racun tersebut. Dengan demikian, selain dapat menghilangkan tumpukan toksin di usus, juga akan meningkatkan kualitas pencernaan karena makin maksimalnya penyerapan nutrisi oleh dinding usus.

The colon and rectum are parts of the body's digestive system, which removes nutrients from food and stores waste until it passes out of the body. Together, the colon and rectum form a long, muscular tube called the large intestine (also called the large bowel). The colon is the first 6 feet of the large intestine, and the rectum is the last 8 to 10 inches.

Cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer, and cancer that begins in the rectum is called rectal cancer. Cancers affecting either of these organs may also be called colorectal cancer.

The exact causes of colorectal cancer are not known. However, studies show that the following risk increase a person's chances of developing colorectal cancer:Age: Colorectal cancer is more likely to occur as people get older. This disease is more common in people over the age of 50. However, colorectal cancer can occur at younger ages, even, in rare cases, in the teens. Diet: Colorectal cancer seems to be associated with diets that are high in fat and calories and low in fiber. Researchers are exploring how these and other dietary factors play a role in the development of colorectal cancer. Polyps: Polyps are benign growths on the inner wall of the colon and rectum. They are fairly common in people over age 50. Some types of polyps increase a person's risk of developing colorectal cancer. A rare, inherited condition, called familial polyposis causes hundreds of polyps to form in the colon and rectum. Unless this condition is treated, familial polyposis is almost certain to lead to colorectal cancer. Personal medical history: Research shows that women with a history of cancer of the ovary, uterus, or breast have a somewhat increased chance of developing colorectal cancer. Also, a person who has already had colorectal cancer may develop this disease a second time. Family medical history: First-degree relatives (parents, siblings, children) of a person who has had colorectal cancer are somewhat more likely to develop this type of cancer themselves, especially if the relative had the cancer at a young age. If many family members have had colorectal cancer, the chances increase even more. Ulcerative colitis: Ulcerative colitis is a condition in which the lining of the colon becomes inflamed. Having this condition increases a person's chance of developing colorectal cancer. Having one or more of these risk factors does not guarantee that a person will develop colorectal cancer. It just increases the chances. People may want to talk with a doctor about these risk factors. The doctor may be able to suggest ways to reduce the chance of developing colorectal cancer and can plan an appropriate schedule for checkups.

Aloe vera:
The miracle herb as it is known across the globe yields a variety of medicinally active compounds. Amongst the more important compounds from Aloe vera is a group known as anthraquinones of which Aloin forms a major part. Aloin is a proven purgative widely used in the field of medicine. Aloe contains at least three anti-inflammatory fatty acids that are helpful for the stomach, small intestine and colon. It naturally alkalizes digestive juices to prevent hyperacidity - a common cause of indigestion. It helps cleanse the digestive tract by exerting a soothing, balancing effect. In a study by Ishii Y et al, Aloe-emodin-9-anthrone(AE-anthrone), produced from barbaloin in the rat large intestine, caused not only an increase in the intestinal water content but also stimulated mucus secretion. This might play an important role in the occurrence of diarrhea. It was demonstrated that the amount of AE-anthrone produced in the rat large intestine(maximal amount: 568 micrograms/rat at 4 h after injection) was enough to cause both of these effects, which were observed following intracecal administration of barbaloin (31.1 mg/kg). These results together with our previous data, which showed a relationship between increase in the intestinal water content and the stimulation of peristalsis, confirm that AE-anthrone is the principal agent responsible for the cathartic effect of barbaloin. We also propose that the increase in water content is a more important factor than stimulation of peristalsis in the induction of diarrhea by barbaloin. Odes & Madar conducted a study to evaluate the effect of a novel laxative preparation, composed of Aloe vera and other herbal ingredients in patients with chronic constipation. Thirty-five men and women were randomized to receive capsules containing the Aloe vera formula, or placebo, in a double-blind trial lasting 28 days. Symptoms in the last 2 weeks of the treatment period were compared to those in the 14-day pre-trial basal period. In the Aloe vera group, bowel movements became more frequent, the stools were softer and laxative dependence was reduced. In the placebo group, all these parameters were unchanged. Abdominal pain was not reduced in either group. The results of this study show that the preparation is an effective laxative in the treatment of constipation.

Tribulus terrestris:
This herb is widely used in India for treating a variety of disease. Also found in Bulgaria it is used for impotency. One of the major medicinal uses is as a urinary cleanser. It is a diuretic and helps eliminate toxins from the system.

Trachyspermum ammi:
This herb is widely utilized as a spice in Indian cooking. It is used for its flavor and carminative activity. The fruit of the plant is antispasmodic as well and a digestive. The seed, and especially the essential oil in the seed, is strongly antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, bitter, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant and tonic. It is used internally in the treatment of colds, coughs, influenza, asthma, diarrhoea, cholera, colic, indigestion, wind, oedema, arthritis and rheumatism. The seed is harvested when fully ripe and either distilled for the essential oil or dried for later use.
The seed contains about 4 - 6% essential oil, of which 45 - 55% is the strongly antiseptic essential oil 'thymol. The essential oil is also added to cough medicines. The root is carminative and diuretic

Cassia angustifolia:
The leaves of the plant yield the most popular purgative. Sennosides are the most medicinally active purgatives and used in Modern medicine across the globe. Two aloe-emodin dianthrone diglucosides (I and II) were isolated from the leaves of Cassia angustifolia Vahl by successive column chromatography with Amberlite XAD-2, silica gel, Polyamide C-200 and Sephadex LH-20. The stereostructures of I and II were elucidated as trans and meso isomers at 10-10', respectively, from the patterns of the ultraviolet absorption spectra and circular dichroism curves. This is the first report of isolation of diglucoside I from senna. Despite the lack of purgative activity, diglucoside I exerts a potentiating effect of about 1.3 times on the purgative activity of sennoside A in mice when even 15% is included in the mixture. The difference between I and a third active glycoside based on aloe-emodin is also discussed.

Triphala is a combination of three fruits Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica and Emblica officinalis. In combination the fruits produce a mild laxative activity which synergizes that of the other ingredients.

Ficus carica:
Commonly known a Fig, the fruit of the fig tree is used in India and the Middle East as a cure for constipation. Fig extract has proven to be a mild safe laxative. The fruit is mildly laxative, demulcent, digestive and pectoral. The unripe green fruits are cooked with other foods as a galactogogue and tonic. Syrup of figs, made from the fruit, is a well-known and effective gentle laxative that is also suitable for the young and very old

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Therapy Herbal Untuk Kanker

Hampir setiap orang pernah mendengar tentang beberapa jenis kanker. Daftar dari jenis kanker sangatlah panjang dan membingungkan. Yang hanya bisa disimpulkan dari keseluruhan jenis kanker yang ada saat ini adalah mereka semua dipicu oleh satu sebab yang umum, yaitu : sel-sel ganas. Sel-sel ganas ini disebut sebagai radikal bebas. Meskipun para pakar pengobatan saat ini telah mengetahui bahwa penyebab utama dari kanker adalah radikal bebas mereka masih mempergunakan lokasi pengobatan khusus untuk menghancurkan tumor. Metode ini hanya menghambat pertumbuhannya tanpa sekalipun menyentuh inti permasalahannya. Para ahli herbal telah melakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui apa yang menjadi penyebab dari radikal bebas tersebut. Sehingga akhirnya didapatkan suatu kesimpulan bahwa radikal bebas disebabkan oleh kekacauan daya tahan tubuh. Mekanisme sistem pertahanan tubuh menjadi rusak dan memproduksi sel-sel yang dapat menghancurkan dirinya sendiri dengan sasaran pada sel-sel yang baik dalam proses penghancuran integritas sel-sel tersebut.
AV Metacare telah dipersiapkan untuk menjadi sebuah inovasi baru yang ditujukan untuk melakukan pencegahan terhadap penyebaran sel-sel kanker atau metastasis dengan dua cara kerja dasar, yaitu : aktifitas Immunomodulatory dan aktifitas anti Metastatik. Komposisi herbal AV Metacare terdiri dari tumbuhan pilihan yang diperoleh dari penelitian selama bertahun-tahun. Tumbuhan ini, terbukti secara klinis, memiliki bahan yang mengandung immunomodulatory dan mampu mengawasi penyebaran sel kanker dengan cara mengikat pada permukaan luar protein E-Cadherin sehingga menghalangi adhesi sel kanker ke dalam jaringan yang masih baik. Proses ini mencegah penyebaran sel kanker dan memastikan bahwa perlindungan alami tubuh membiarkan berbagai perubahan biokimia dalam tubuh menjadi normal kembali. Kapasitas antioksidan dalam tumbuhan ini telah diakui oleh kalangan dunia pengobatan internasional dalam memainkan peranan yang penting untuk perlindungan terhadap kanker serta pengawasan penyebaran kanker dengan bertindak sebagai “free radical scavengers”
Hasil riset pada 50 penderita kanker payudara, AV Metacare terbukti menunjukkan kemajuan yang signifikan pada 41 penderita (82%) dengan hasil test menurun/melemahnya sel-sel kanker. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa AV Metacare merupakan anti oksidan yang sangat kuat.

Most people have heard of a few Cancers, the list of Cancers is long and perplexing. The one common thread that can be drawn from all Cancers is that they all seem to be caused by a common factor:- Rogue Cells. These Rogue cells, are called Free Radicals. Even though the modern Physician knows that the primary cause of cancers are free radicals, they still use site specific treatments to destroy tumors. The treatment is localized and does not address the core issue. Herbalism looks at the cause of free radicals. It is an established fact that Free Radicals are caused by an immune disorder. The body defense mechanism is impaired and produces self destructive cells that target good cells in the process destroying cellular integrity. Given below is a list of Cancers following which is an explanation of the herbs used to produce AV METACARE. Cancer is not one disease, but rather many related diseases. Cancer is typed according to the part of the body where it is located and the kind of cells that comprise it. The most common types of cancer cells and their locations are:
Carcinomas originate in skin tissue or tissues that line the body cavities and such internal organs as the lungs, breast, colon, and intestines.
Sarcomas grow in bones and connective tissues between organs and skin, and sometimes spread into the blood or lymphatic system.
Lymphomas are cancers of the lymphatic system, usually occurring in the lymph nodes.
Leukemias form in the blood or circulatory system, particularly in the bone marrow, which is the site of blood cell production.
Myelomas are tumors of bone marrow cells and frequently form simultaneously in many sites, including the ribs, vertebrae, and pelvic bones.
Withaniasomnifera: One of Ayurveda’s most powerful herbs, Withania somnifera has been the subject of over 100 international clinical studies. The role of the herb in various immune disorders, endocrine disorders, its anti-inflammatory activity, the anxiolytic activity of its extracts has been established beyond doubt. Yet, the most important activity of Withania remains its potent immunomodulating activity. A study Davis L, & Kuttan G, showed the effect of Withania somnifera on the cellular immune responses (CMI) was studied in normal as well as tumour bearing animals. Administration of Withania extract was found to enhance the proliferation of lymphocytes, bone marrow cells and thymocytes in responses to mitogens. Both PHA and Con A mitogens along with Withania treated splenocytes, bone marrow cells and thymocytes could stimulate proliferation twice greater than the normal. Withania treated splenocytes along with the mitogen LPS (10 microg/ml) could stimulate the lymphocyte proliferation six times more than the normal. Natural killer cell activity (NK) was found to be enhanced significantly in both the normal and the tumour bearing group and it was found to be earlier than the control (48.92% cell lysis). Antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) was found to be enhanced in the Withania treated group on the 9th day (65% cell lysis). An early Antibody dependent complement mediated cytotoxicity (ACC) was observed in the Withania treated group on day 13 (47% cell lysis). J Prakash and co workers demonstrated the chemopreventive effect of Withania somnifera root extract (WSRE) on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced skin cancer in Swiss albino mice. The skin lesions were induced by the twice-weekly topical application of DMBA (100 nmol/ 100 microliters acetone) for 8 wk on the shaved back of mice. WSRE was administered at the maximal tolerated dose of 400 mg/kg p.o. three times per week on alternate days 1 wk before DMBA and continued for 24 wk thereafter. The results of the study revealed a significant decrease in incidence and average number of skin lesions in mice compared with DMBA alone at the end of Week 24. Biochemical parameters were assessed in the lesions of WSRE-treated and untreated control mice. A significant impairment was noticed in the levels of reduced glutathione, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione S-transferase in skin lesions of DMBA-treated control mice compared with vehicle-treated mice. These parameters were returned to near normal by administration of WSRE to DMBA-treated mice. The above findings were supported by histopathological studies. From the present study, it can be inferred that WRSE possesses potential chemopreventive activity in this experimental model of cancer. The chemopreventive activity may be linked to the antioxidant/free radical-scavenging constituents of the extract. The anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of WSRE are also likely to contribute to its chemopreventive action. In a study by Russo A, and co workers the free radical scavenging capacity of methanolic extracts from Witania Somnifera was investigated as well as and the effect on DNA cleavage induced by H2O2 UV-photholysis. In addition, the investigators investigated whether the plant extracts are capable of reducing the hydrogen peroxide-induced cytotoxicity and DNA damage in human non-immortalized fibroblasts. The extract showed a dose-dependent free radical scavenging capacity and a protective effect on DNA cleavage;. These results were confirmed by a significant protective effect on H2O2-induced cytoxicity and DNA damage in human non-immortalized fibroblasts. These antioxidant effects of active principle of Withania Somnifera may explain, at least in part, the reported anti-stress, immunomodulatory, cognition-facilitating, anti-inflammatory and antiaging effects produced by the plant extracts in experimental animal and in clinical situations and may justify the further investigation of its other beneficial biological properties. Tinospora cordifolia: A reputed immunoprotector, this herb is used in Ayurveda for longevity. Its role as an immunoprotector has been established in various clinical trials and the extract of this herb has demonstrated significant immunomodulating properties. Aqueous extract of T. cordifolia inhibited Fenton (FeSO4) reaction and radiation mediated 2-deoxyribose degradation in a dose dependent fashion with an IC50 value of 700 microg/ml for both Fenton and radiation mediated 2-DR degradation. Similarly, it showed a moderate but dose dependent inhibition of chemically generated superoxide anion at 500 microg/ml concentration and above with an IC50 value of 2000 microg/ml. Aqueous extract inhibited the formation of Fe2+-bipiridyl complex and formation of comet tail by chelating Fe2+ ions in a dose dependent manner with an IC50 value of 150 microg/ml for Fe2+-bipirydyl formation and maximally 200 microg/ml for comet tail formation, respectively. The extract inhibited ferrous sulphate mediated lipid peroxidation in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 value of 1300 microg/ml and maximally (70%) at 2000 microg/ml. The results reveal that the direct and indirect antioxidant actions of T. cordifolia probably act in corroboration to manifest the overall radioprotective effects. Jagetia and co workers have shown that the exposure of HeLa cells to 0, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 microg/ml of Tinospora cordifolia extracts (methanol, aqueous and methylene chloride) resulted in a dose-dependent but significant increase in cell killing, when compared to non-drug-treated controls. The effects of methanol and aqueous extracts were almost identical. However, methylene chloride extract enhanced the cell killing effect by 2.8- and 6.8-fold when compared either to methanol or aqueous extract at 50 and 100 microg/ml, respectively. Conversely, the frequency of micronuclei increased in a concentration-dependent manner in Tinospora cordifolia-treated groups and this increase in the frequency of micronuclei was significantly higher than the non-drug-treated control cultures and also with respect to 5 microg/ml Tinospora cordifolia extract-treated cultures, at the rest of the concentrations evaluated. Furthermore, the micronuclei formation was higher in the methylene chloride extract-treated group than in the other two groups. The dose response relationship for all three extracts evaluated was linear quadratic. The effect of Tinospora cordifolia extracts was comparable or better than doxorubicin treatment. The micronuclei induction was correlated with the surviving fraction of cells and the correlation between cell survival and micronuclei induction was found to be linear quadratic. Our results demonstrate that Tinospora cordifolia killed the cells very effectively in vitro and deserves attention as an antineoplastic agent Ocimum sanctum: Holy Basil as it is commonly known is considered a herb of the Gods. Its adaptogenic properties make this a particularly important plants in the prevention of immune disorders. Researchers at the Department of Horticulture and National Food Safety and Toxicology, Michigan State University, USA. have demonstrated the antioxidant activity of the herb extracts.Two Researchers, Vrinda B & Uma Devi P , have shown that Orientin (Ot) and Vicenin (Vc), two water-soluble flavonoids isolated from the leaves of Indian holy basil Ocimum sanctum have shown significant protection against radiation lethality and chromosomal aberrations in vivo. Other researchers at The Department of Horticulture and National Food Safety and Toxicology, Michigan State University, USA have demonstrated the anti-oxidant activity by bioassay-directed extraction of the fresh leaves and stems of Ocimum sanctum and purification of the extract yielded the following compounds; cirsilineol [1], cirsimaritin [2], isothymusin [3], isothymonin [4], apigenin [5], rosmarinic acid [6], and appreciable quantities of eugenol. The structures of compounds 1-6 were established using spectroscopic methods. Compounds 1 and 5 were isolated previously from O. sanctum whereas compounds 2 and 3 are here identified for the first time from O. sanctum. Eugenol, a major component of the volatile oil, and compounds 1, 3, 4, and 6 demonstrated good antioxidant activity at 10-microM concentrations. Anti-inflammatory activity or cyclooxygenase inhibitory activity of these compounds were observed. Eugenol demonstrated 97% cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitory activity when assayed at 1000-microM concentrations. Compounds 1, 2, and 4-6 displayed 37, 50, 37, 65, and 58% cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitory activity, respectively, when assayed at 1000-microM concentrations. Researchers studying the incidence of papillomas and squamous cell carcinomas have shown that these significantly reduced, and treatment with extracts of Ocimum sanctum increased the survival rate in the topically applied leaf paste and orally administered extracts to animals. Orally administered aqueous extract have showed profound effect in Histopathological observations made on the mucosa confirmed these findings. Further fluorescent spectral studies at 405 nm excitation on the mucosa of control, DMBA and extracts orally administered experimental animals showed a prominent maxima at 430 nm for control, 628 nm for DMBA induced carcinomas while aqueous and ethanolic extracts administered animals showed at 486 nm and 488 nm, respectively. The fluorescent intensity at 630 nm (FI630 nm) was significantly reduced and the ratio of fluorescent intensities at 520 nm and 630 nm (FI520 nm/630 nm) were significantly increased in orally administered extracts compared to DMBA treated animals. These observations suggest that the orally administered extract of O. sanctum may have the ability to prevent the early events of carcinogenesis. A study by Banerjee S and co workers, reports the modulatory influence of extract from the leaves of Ocimum sanctum on the activities of cytochrome p-450, cytochrome b5, and aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase enzymes in the liver and glutathione-S-transferase and reduced glutathione level in the liver, lung, and stomach of the mouse. Oral treatment with the leaf extract at 400 and 800 mg/kg body wt for 15 days would significantly elevate the activities of cytochrome p-450 (p <>Citrus aurantium: Modified pectins extracted from this plant yield compounds that have anti-metastatic activity. Avraham Raz, PhD, director of the tumor progression and metastasis lab at Detroit's Barbara Ann Karamanos Cancer Institute, became interested in the way cancer cells clump together to form tumors. He found that this clumping needed sticky sugars -- and that pectins can keep these sugars from sticking. Normal pectins won't work in the blood stream. But Raz's team found a way to alter pectin so that it could be digested and enter the blood. And that's not all. In a recent issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Raz and colleagues showed that these modified citrus pectins cut the size of tumors in mice with implanted human breast and colon cancers. A team of researchers at Wayne State University, School of Medicine, and Department of Pathology, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI, USA. studied the effects of high pH- and temperature-modified citrus pectin (MCP), a nondigestible, water-soluble polysaccharide fiber derived from citrus fruit that specifically inhibits the carbohydrate-binding protein galectin-3, on tumor growth and metastasis in vivo and on galectin-3-mediated functions in vitro. METHODS: In vivo tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis were studied in athymic mice that had been fed with MCP in their drinking water and then injected orthotopically with human breast carcinoma cells (MDA-MB-435) into the mammary fat pad region or with human colon carcinoma cells (LSLiM6) into the cecum. Galectin-3-mediated functions during tumor angiogenesis in vitro were studied by assessing the effect of MCP on capillary tube formation by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in Matrigel. The effects of MCP on galectin-3-induced HUVEC chemotaxis and on HUVEC binding to MDA-MB-435 cells in vitro were studied using Boyden chamber and labeling assays, respectively. The data were analyzed by two-sided Student's t test or Fisher's protected least-significant-difference test.

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Therapy Herbal Untuk Nyeri Tulang

Nyeri, ngilu dan kekakuan gerak yang sering kita asumsikan sebagai rematik dan encok sebenarnya merupakan radang persendian (osteo-arthritis). Hal ini terjadi karena terbentuknya asam dalam otot dan menurunnya fungsi sistem pembuangan sehingga terjadi penumpukan sisa asam pada otot dan persendian kita. Selain hal itu, persendian juga menjadi tempat mengendapnya toksin-toksin.
Keadaaan demikian yang berlarut-larut akan dapat menyebabkan kelainan pada bentuk persendian. Banyak faktor dari kehidupan modern yang memperburuk kondisi penderita radang persendian. Kurangnya olah raga yang teratur, konsumsi yang berlebihan terhadap makanan gorengan (fast food), makanan yang berkadar gula tinggi (manis), daging merah (steak) dan lain-lain akan menghasilkan penumpukan asam laktat yang umumnya dikenal asam urat.
AV MBJ dengan 2 tahapan dasarnya, yakni : Cleansing (pembersihan) dan Rejuvenate (rejuvenasi-peremajaan sel) diformulasikan untuk menetralisir tumpukan sisa asam dan toksin-toksin pada persendian, selanjutnya membantu proses pembuangannya dengan memperbaiki / melancarkan sirkulasi darah sehingga akan mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan peradangan sendi secara lembut dan aman.
Dari hasil riset AV MBJ terbukti sangat efektif dalam menstimulasi sistem kekebalan tubuh. Dalam referensi imiah dikatakan bahwa arthritis merupakan masalah menurunnya sistem kekebalan tubuh. Oleh karena itu AV MBJ sangatlah efektif dan aman untuk perawatan dalam kasus-kasus arthritis mulai dari yang ringan sampai yang kronis.

Osteoarthritis (OS-tee-oh-are-THRY-tis) (OA), or degenerative joint disease, is one of the oldest and most common types of arthritis. It is characterized by the breakdown of the joint's cartilage. Cartilage is the part of the joint that cushions the ends of bones. Cartilage breakdown causes bones to rub against each other, causing pain and loss of movement. Most commonly affecting middle-aged and older people, OA can range from very mild to very severe. It affects hands and weight-bearing joints such as knees, hips, feet and the back.
The other common form of arthritis is Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) involves inflammation of the lining of many different joints in your body. In some people, RA can also affect other parts of the body, including the blood, the lungs, and the heart. Inflammation of the joint lining, called the synovium, can cause pain, stiffness, swelling, warmth, and redness. The affected joint may also lose its shape, resulting in loss of normal movement. RA can last a long time, and can be a disease of flares (active) and remissions (little to no activity. Arthritis is caused by an immune system disorder commonly referred to autoimmune disorder. It is characterized by chronic inflammation of joints, immobility of joints, chronic pain and water retention. Conventional therapies used in the treatment of arthritis are only palliative and offer no cure. Ayurveda recognizes the root cause of Arthritis and has been successfully used in the treatment of various forms of arthritis for centuries. Causes:
Abnormal wear and tear of connective tissues
Use of steroids and other muscle building drugs
Autoimmune disorder
Lack of exercise
Boswellia serrata: Boswellia serrata tree is commonly found in India. The therapeutic value of its gum (sallaki) has been known. It posses good anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and analgesic activity. A randomized double blind placebo controlled crossover study was conducted to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of Boswellia serrata Extract (BSE) in 30 patients of osteoarthritis of knee, 15 each receiving active drug or placebo for eight weeks. After the first intervention, washout was given and then the groups were crossed over to receive the opposite intervention for eight weeks. All patients receiving drug treatment reported decrease in knee pain, increased knee flexion and increased walking distance. The frequency of swelling in the knee joint was decreased. Radiologically there was no change. The observed differences between drug treated and placebo being statistically significant, are clinically relevant. BSE was well tolerated by the subjects except for minor gastrointestinal ADRs. BSE is recommended in the patients of osteoarthritis of the knee with possible therapeutic use in other arthritis. In a separate study the researchers showed that compounds from the gum with genuine antiinflammatory effects are pentacyclic triterpenes of the boswellic acid type. Boswellic acids inhibit the leukotriene biosynthesis in neutrophilic granulocytes by a non-redox, noncompetitive inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase. The effect is triggered by boswellic acids binding to the enzyme. Moreover certain boswellic acids have been described to inhibit elastase in leukocytes, to inhibit proliferation, induce apoptosis and to inhibit topoisomerases of leukoma- and glioma cell lines. A series of chronic inflammatory diseases are thought to be perpetuated by leukotrienes. In clinical trials promising results were observed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, bronchial asthma und peritumoral brains edemas. Commiphora mukul: One of the ingredients most commonly found in Ayurvedic arthritis formulas is guggul, an oleoresin of the herb Commiphora mukul (CM). The authors have conducted both preclinical and clinical investigations of guggul for reduction of pain, stiffness, and improved function, and to determine tolerability in older patients with a diagnosis of OA of the knee. METHODS: The study was conducted using an outcome, quasi-experimental, model. Thirty male and female participants meeting the inclusion/exclusion criteria, with a score of 2 or more on the Kellegran-Lawrence scale for at least 1 knee, were admitted in the study. CM was administered in capsule form (500 mg concentrated exact delivered TID) along with food. The WOMAC Total Score was used as a primary outcome measure. VAS scales, 6-minute walk-test, and WOMAC subscales were used as outcome measures. RESULTS: At the end of treatment, there was a significant difference in the scores of the primary and secondary outcome measures. On the primary measure, WOMAC total score, participants were significantly improved (P <>Cyprus scariosus: It is a pestiferous perennial weed with dark green glabrous culms, arising from a system of underground tubers. The plant has an elaborate underground system consisting of tubers, rhizomes and roots. The tubers are white and succulent when young, and hard and black when mature. Cyperine is the major constituent in the plant. The plant is a reputed hypotensive, anti-inflammatory & diuretic. Zingiber officinalis: Ginger, the rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Zingiberaceae), is a commom constituent of diet worldwide and it has been reported that its extracts present some pharmacological activities. Here the researchers investigated the effects of the extract of ginger rhizomes on the classical models of rat paw and skin edema. The carrageenan-, compound 48/80- or serotonin-induced rat paw edema were inhibited significantly by the intraperitoneal administration of ginger extract. Ginger extract was also effective in inhibiting 48/80-induced rat skin edema at doses of 0.6 and 1.8 mg/site. Rat skin edema induced by substance P or bradikinin was not affected by treatment with Z. officinalis extract. The intraperitoneal administration of ginger extract (186 mg/kg(-1) body wt.) 1 hr. prior to serotonin injections, reduced significantly the serotonin-induced rat skin edema. Our results demonstrated that crude extract of Zingiber officinale was able to reduce rat paw and skin edema induced by carrageenan, 48/80 compound and serotonin. The antiedematogenic activity seems to be related, at least partially, to an antagonism of the serotonin receptor. In a separate study conducted at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of Miami, Florida, USA, 261 patients with OA of the knee and moderate-to-severe pain were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, parallel-group, 6-week study. After washout, patients received ginger extract or placebo twice daily, with acetaminophen allowed as rescue medication. The primary efficacy variable was the proportion of responders experiencing a reduction in "knee pain on standing," using an intent-to-treat analysis. A responder was defined by a reduction in pain of > or = 15 mm on a visual analog scale. RESULTS: In the 247 evaluable patients, the percentage of responders experiencing a reduction in knee pain on standing was superior in the ginger extract group compared with the control group (63% versus 50%; P = 0.048). Analysis of the secondary efficacy variables revealed a consistently greater response in the ginger extract group compared with the control group, when analyzing mean values: reduction in knee pain on standing (24.5 mm versus 16.4 mm; P = 0.005), reduction in knee pain after walking 50 feet (15.1 mm versus 8.7 mm; P = 0.016), and reduction in the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis composite index (12.9 mm versus 9.0 mm; P = 0.087). Change in global status and reduction in intake of rescue medication were numerically greater in the ginger extract group. Change in quality of life was equal in the 2 groups. Patients receiving ginger extract experienced more gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events than did the placebo group (59 patients versus 21 patients). GI adverse events were mostly mild.

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Therapy Herbal Untuk Ginjal

Ginjal mempunyai fungsi sebagai tempat untuk memproses dan mengatur keseimbangan kimiawi dari semua cairan tubuh dan sekaligus berfungsi sebagai sistem pembuangan residu cairan tubuh melalui saluran kencing. Jadi ginjal merupakan organ utama yang berfungsi mengontrol dan mempertahankan keseimbangan kimiawi cairan tubuh.
Pada tingkat yang tidak begitu parah, penyakit seperti batu ginjal, glomeralonephritis akut (peradangan sementara pada bagian ginjal), peradangan kandung kemih (cystitis) menyebabkan kondisi yang tidak enak dan sangat menggangu.
AV Uri K, sangat efektif untuk mencegah dan mengurangi pembentukan batu ginjal. Kombinasi komposisi AV Uri K diformulasikan secara khusus untuk mengatasi gangguan ginjal dengan memperbaiki sumber permasalahannya.
Beberapa komposisi AV Uri K merupakan bahan yang telah teruji dan terbukti mempunyai potensi tinggi sebagai anti inflammatory (infeksi), serta potensi yang tinggi sebagai pengurai batu ginjal. Sehingga proses pembuangan hasil penguraian/pengikisan batu ginjal tidak akan menimbulkan infeksi.
Dari riset terbukti, AV Uri K secara signifikan meredakan, mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan sakit pinggang yang disebabkan karena batu ginjal, menghentikan pendarahan pada urine (hermaturia), menghilangkan keruhnya urine, menghilangkan demam akibat batu ginjal atau infeksi pada saluran kencing karena pecahan batu ginjal (dysuria). AV Uri K juga mampu mengikis batu ginjal serta merupakan anti inflamatory/anti infeksi yang sangat kuat dan hal ini sangat bermanfaat bagi penderita pembesaran prostat.

The urinary tract includes the kidneys, the ureters ( the tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder). The urinary tract maintains the chemical balance of all body fluids and is a primary system for removal of waste products. The kidneys are essential for maintaining the body’s chemical balance and is therefore a major organ. A number of kidney disorders are life threatening and at the less severe level, disorders such as kidney stones, acute glomerulonephritis ( temporary inflammation of a portion of the kidney), bladder infections and cystitis are extremely uncomfortable at best. Modern medicine has no answer except surgery which does not offer any guarantees. Traditional medicine however goes to the root cause of the problems associated with kidney disorders and cures/prevents these before they get life threatening or extremely painful. The kidneys are responsible for maintaining the quality of blood that is vital for life. If the toxins generated by the catabolic process builds up in the blood, septicemia results and the death is a real possibility.
Crateva nurvala In conventional medicine, obstructive uropathy is still a challenging problem. The available operative and lithotripsy procedures are not free from complications and recurrence of stone formation is quite common. On the other hand, in the traditional Indian system of medicine, several plants are claimed to be used successfully in the treatment of urolithasis. The medicinal value of Crateva nurvala has been described against a variety of urinary disorders, including urolithiasis. R Anand et al have studied these claims and have reported in their report that the extract of the stem bark of Crateva nurvala showed significant dose dependant (25-100mg/kg, p.o.) prophylactic activity against experimentally induced urolith formation in rats. The authors also reported that the drug reversed the biochemical parameters in urine, blood and serum and brought back histopathological changes towards normality. Y S Prabhakar & D Suresh Kumar in a separate report have conducted an exhaustive investigation into the various activities of Crateva nurvala and the report shows that the drug provides significant increase in bladder tone leading to an increase in the expulsive force of urination. The same author has also reported that the drug had beneficial effects on neurogenic bladder. These effects were observed after three months of therapy. The same author has also reported that after administration of the drug for one month, it was noticed that the excretion of urinary calcium was reduced to a great extent, while the excretion of sodium and magnesium increased significantly. On plotting the electrolyte values on a triangular graph, a shifting of values towards the non-lithogenic zone was observed. The drug was also found to alter the relative proportion of calcium, magnesium and sodium which precipate in calculus formation. Prasad et al studied the effect of an extract of Crateva nurvala stem-bark in various experimental models. It was found that it increases the tone of the smooth muscle intestine and ureters of guinea pig, dog and humans) and skeletal muscle (rectii of frog) in vitro. The PE extract of the bark inhibited acute, sub-acute and chronic inflammations in albino rats induced by carragenin, histamine, croton oil and formaldehyde. The mechanism of action was found to be similar to that of betamethasone, but without the latter’s side effects. Administration of 50 ml of stem-bark decoction twice a day to 46 patients with urinary stone caused a significant anti-urolithiatric action. Over a period of between 1-47 weeks, 28 patients were able to pass the stone, while 18 experienced symptomatic relief. The spontaneous passing of stones following C. nurvala therapy may be facilitated by the tonic contractile action of the drug on smooth muscle. Singh, re-examined the lithotritic action of the stem-bark in patients suffering from calcium oxalate stones. After treatment for 12 weeks significant reduction in pain and dysuria was noted. There was also some reduction in the size of the stones Y S Prabhakar and a co worker investigated the properties of C Nurvala in the treatment of urinary stones. The authors reported that the drug show promise in the treatment of the disease. The cytoprotective action of luepol isolated from C. Nurvala stem bark against free radical toxicity has been investigated in experimental urolithiasis by R Baskar and co workers. The researchers reported that the administrating of the drug induced a remarkable decrease in kidney oxalate level and was also effective in counteracting the free radical toxicity by bringing about a significant decrease in peroxide levels and increase in antioxidant status.) Boerhaavia diffusa : Anubha Singh and co workers conducted a study to investigate the effect of Boerhaavia diffusa in experimental acute Pylelonephritis in albino rats. The authors reported that the drug was found to be useful in a variety of renal diseases, they found that in experimental acute pylelonephritis, the drug reduced the inflammatory changes as well as abscess formation in the kidneys after E.coli inoculation. It also reduced the bacterial count in urine samples of the infected animals. The authors concluded that treatment with B. Diffusa extract definitely plays a protective role in renal disorders. Prof. Vimaladevi at the Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra University, Waltair, investigated the diuretic effect of Boerhaavia diffusa and phyllanthus niruri. The author reported that the mixture was found to be very effective . The diuretic activity of the plant is considered to play a vital role in the elimination of kidney stones and in the reduction in size of the stones H.N. Verma and L.P. Awashti investigated the anti-viral properties of the plant and reported that the plant showed significant inhibitory activity Shiv pal Singh studied the antileucorrhoeal activity of the plant and reported that the continued use of the drug was very encouraging. 40% of the patients showed marked improvement and became almost symptom free within a week and the other 60% were relieved after a fortnight. Since Leucorrhoea is only a symptom of an infection of the urinary tract, the drug shows activity against an unspecified infection Lawsonia alba : Lawsonia alba is one of natures most widely used herbs. The Egyptians have used it for centuries in cosmetic applications and it was one of Cleopatra’s favorite herbs. Traditional medicine men in India have prescribed this herb for a variety of diseases and these claims have been investigated by a number of modern day researchers. M.K. Bagi and co workers studied the pharmacological activity of the herb. An extract of the herb was found to have dose dependant analgesic activity when administered orally. A Gupta et al studied the anti-inflammatory activity of some active principles of Lawsonia leaves. The authors noted that the drug demonstrated activity equivalent to phenylbutazone in the dose of 15mg/kg. D. Le Mordant & J.P. Forestier at the Paul Selatier University reviewed the various uses of the herb in different schools of traditional medicine, especially with those pharmaceutical properties scientifically proven. In a systematic study, Abd. El Malek showed that the antibiotic activity of the leaf of plant was due to 4 compounds. Of these, Lawsone when tested alone had significant antibiotic activity, Gallic acid is a known antiseptic. The authors have noted in conclusion that the herb has diverse pharmacological activity. Tribulus Terrestris : R Anand et al, reported that the administration of ethanolic fraction of Tribulus terrestris fruit resulted in a varying degree of reduction is deposition of stone as compared to the untreated control animals. B N Sannd et al undertook a study to evaluate the effect of the drug in the management of Urolithiasis. The authors have reported that the results of the study were very encouraging alongwith high rate of symptomatic relief. The study proved that pathologically and radiologically 28.57 % of patients of renal calculi and 75% of patients of ureteric calculi passed their calculi completely and in other patients there was a marked or partial expulsion of calculi or dislodgement of calculi or there was a change in shape, size and consistencies of calculi. The product also contains other Ayurvedic herbs that have synergetic action in various kidney disorders. Several investigators have shown that the crude extracts of Bergenia ligulata had significant activity in dissolving preformed stones. The extract of the plant has marked anti-inflammatory activity and demonstrates diuretic action .

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Herbal Untuk Desentri

Disentri dan diare adalah problem kesehatan yang populer dan kadang-kadang menjadi penyakit yang menahun. Kedua penyakit tersebut diakibatkan terkontaminasinya makanan / air yang kita konsumsi.
Dalam banyak kasus, kedua penyakit tersebut dapat menyebabkan peradangan yang parah dan kadang-kadang mematikan. Obat-obatan modern atau allopathic pada umumnya hanya meredakan peradangan, sehingga akan kambuh lagi jika melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang berat.
Ayurveda selama lebih dari 4000 tahun telah menyatakan penyakit tersebut sebagai salah satu penyakit yang perlu diatasi dengan jalan pemusnahan bakteri-bakteri yang berbahaya untuk selamanya.
AV Gastro mengandung bahan-bahan nabati murni dan ekstrak yang anti bakterial, anti viral activity dan tidak terpengaruhi oleh mutasi patogen, pada tahap Cleansing komposisi AV Gastro akan bereaksi aktif memusnahkan bakteri-bakteri berbahaya tersebut.
Selanjutnya pada tahap Rejuvenasi, komposisi AV Gastro akan menetralisir kelebihan asam lambung dan memperbaiki kerusakan sel-sel organ pencernaan untuk meningkatkan dan mengoptimalkan fungsi pencernaan.
AV Gastro merupakan alternatif natural dalam menyehatkan dan meningkatkan fungsi organ-organ pencernaan tanpa efek samping serta dapat digunakan dengan aman meski dikombinasi dengan obat-obatan lain.
Dari riset yang dilakukan terhadap 100 penderita diare dan disentri mulai dari yang ringan sampai yang berat, AV Gastro menunjukkan hasil yang sangat memuaskan sebagai anti infeksi dan anti bakteri. Dilaporkan hampir semua penderita mengalami kesembuhan lebih cepat dari pada jika memakai obat-obatan medis lainnya,tanpa mengalami kekurangan cairan dan tidak banyak kehilangan berat badan serta tenaga dan kesegaran cepat sekali pulih. Dalam penelitian juga terbukti bahwa AV Gastro juga mematikan telur-telur bakteri yang belum sempat menetas.

Dysentery and diarrhea are common and sometimes chronic health problems. Both are the result of contaminated foods and water. In many cases both these problems can lead to severe infections and sometimes death. Modern(allopathic ) medicines are used to all over the world to “cure” these diseases, but in reality they do nothing more than suppress the infection, which reappears later with a far stronger activity. Drug resistance is a common occurrence in conventional medicine and newer and more powerful antibiotics are needed to keep up with drug resistance. Ayurveda has for over 4000 years recognized this particular disease as one that needs to be treated in a way that the pathogens are destroyed forever.
Holarrhena antidysenterica: H.antidysenterica is a deciduous shrub or small tree. The bark is rather rough, pale brownish or greyish; the leaves are opposite, subsessile, elliptic or ovate-oblong, membranous; the flowers are white, in terminal corymbose cymes; the follicles, divaricate, cylindric and usually white spotted; the seeds are light brown. The principal alkaloid of kurchi is conessine. The other alkaloids reported to be present in the bark are: conamine, conkurchine, connessimine, kurchine, conarrhinine, holarrhinene and isoconcessimine Various fractions of H.antidysenterica showed promising activity against experimental amoebiasis in rats and hamsters. The fruit extract (50% ethanolic) showed antiprotozoal effect against Ent. histolytica strain STA, Trypanosoma evansi; anticancer effect against human epidrmoid carcinoma of the nasopharynx in tissue culture and hypoglycemic activity in rats. Holarrhena antidysenterica extracts were found to show potentially interesting activity against test bacteria. These active extracts were also assayed for cellular toxicity to fresh sheep erythrocytes and found to have no cellular toxicity
Aegle marmelos: A study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of aqueous and methanolic plant extracts Aegle marmelos unripe fruit for its antidiarrhoeal potential against castor-oil induced diarrhoea in mice. The methanolic plant extract was more effective than aqueous plant extracts against castor-oil induced diarrhoea. The methanolic plant extract significantly reduced induction time of diarrhoea and total weight of the faeces. The result obtained establish the efficacy of these plant extracts as antidiarrhoeal agents. Oral administration of bergenin and norbergenin, two isocoumarins, isolated from the leaves and roots of Flueggea microcarpa and luvangetin, a pyranocoumarin isolated from the seeds of Aegle marmelos Correa, showed significant protection against pylorus-ligated and aspirin-induced gastric ulcers in rats and cold restraint stress-induced gastric ulcers in rats and guinea pigs. The study on prostaglandins release by human colonic mucosal incubates, indicated a concentration-dependent (1-10 micrograms/ml) stimulatory effect of bergenin and norbergenin, while luvangetin (1-10 micrograms/ml) did not produce any effect. The results suggest that gastroprotective effects of bergenin and norbergenin could be due to increased prostaglandin production while, some other mucosal defensive factors may be involved for luvangetin.
Andrographis paniculata: Thanagkul B, Chaichantipayut C. conducted a double-blind study of Andrographis paniculata Nees and tetracycline in acute diarrhea and bacillary dysentery. The Investigators showed that the herb demonstrated significant anti-diarrheal activity. Experiments on animals demonstrate that AP can prevent or stop diarrhea. Diarrhea-type diseases are one of the top ten causes of death worldwide and are a leading cause of death in children in developing countries, especially those that are under five years of age. The use of antibiotics is producing antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. While there are many drugs used to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea (kaolin-pectin, bismuth, Lomotil, loperamide hydrochloride, and others), many have undesirable side effects. An inexpensive and easily obtained herbal remedy would benefit many, especially people in developing countries where diarrheal disease is almost catastrophic. Extracts of AP have been shown to have significant effects against the diarrhea associated with E. coli bacterial infections. The AP components, andrographolide and neoandrographolide, showed similar activity to loperamide (Imodium), the most common antidiarrheal drug. Acute bacterial diarrhea in patients was treated with a total dose of 500 mg andrographolide divided over three dosing periods per day for six days (2.5 to 3.0 mg/kg of body weight). This regimen was combined with rehydration. There were 66 cures of 80 patients treated -- an 82.5% cure rate. Seven additional patients responded favorably to the treatment and only seven patients (8.8%) did not respond. The effectiveness of the treatment was confirmed by laboratory tests of stool samples. In another study, AP was used to treat 1,611 cases of bacterial dysentery and 955 cases of diarrhea with overall effectiveness of 91.3%. It had been believed that AP was effective against bacterial dysentry and diarrhea because it was antibacterial, but studies could not confirm this effect. However, the andrographolides were very effective in stopping the diarrhea. How this is accomplished is not completely understood at present. Chronic inflammation of the colon was treated with a combination of AP (60 g) and Rehmannia glutinosa (30 g), decocted. Rehmannia is a Chinese herb used to treat anemia, fatigue, and to promote the healing of injured bones. It is also a demulcent. The liquid part of the mixture was used as an enema at doses of 100 to 150 ml each night for fourteen days. Of a total of 85 patients, 61 (72%) were considered clinically cured and 22 (26%) had symptomatic relief.
Zingiber officinalis: The antibacterial activity of ethanolic extracts of ginger were investigated on selected pathogens using the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) assays. RESULTS: The extracts exhibited antibacterial activity against the pathogens. The MIC of extracts ranged from 0.0003 microg/ml to 0.7 microg/ml for ginger while MBC ranged from 0.1.35 microg/ml to 2.04 microg/ml for ginger CONCLUSION: Results indicated that extracts of ginger root may contain compounds with therapeutic activity. In a separate study researchers compared the inhibitory characteristics various plant extracts including Ginger with those of the commonly used antifungals, amphotericin B and ketoconazole, and the plant-derived antifungal, berberine. Several plant extracts, notably those from Zingiber officinale (ginger) had pronounced antifungal activity against a wide variety of fungi, including strains that were highly resistant to amphotericin B and ketoconazole. Further exploration of Z. officinale as an antifungal is warranted as this species is generally regarded as safe for human consumption.

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Therapy Herbal Untuk Jantung

Penyakit jantung menduduki urutan pertama sebagai penyebab kematian, khususnya di negara-negara maju. Berbagai faktor kehidupan modern telah terbukti memiliki andil besar dalam memberikan akibat buruk pada jantung dan sirkulasi darah. Gaya hidup seperti : cenderung selalu stress, kurang olah raga, istirahat tidak teratur adalah sebagai contoh gaya hidup modern yang dapat menyebabkan memburuknya kesehatan jantung.
Konsumsi lemak berlebihan (misal kegemaran akan fast food), diabetes, merokok, kegemukan, hipertensi juga memberikan dampak yang besar dalam memperburuk kesehatan jantung.
Terhambatnya suplai oksigen dalam darah ke jantung oleh timbunan kolesterol pada pembuluh darah, akan menimbulkan rasa sakit pada jantung dan jika arteri benar-benar tertutup maka dapat terjadi serangan jantung, menyempitnya arteri karena tumpukan kolesterol akan menghilangkan kemampuannya untuk mengembang dan berkontraksi. Penghambatan aliran darah akan meningkatkan pembentukan gumpulan darah dan mengakibatkan hipertensi yang dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung, stroke, bahkan kematian. Kolesterol tinggi dapat menutupi arteri dan menyumbat darah ke otak, ginjal, alat kelamin, jantung dan organ vital lainnya.
Dalam mengatasi problem-problem penyakit jantung ini akan terbukti betapa efektifnya manfaat dua tahapan dasar komposisi AV Circulo. Pada tahap Cleansing (pembersihan) komposisi AV Circulo secara signifikan akan mengontrol, menetralisir dan menstabilkan kolesterol dalam pembuluh darah, sehingga akan mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan penyumbatan arteri serta meningkatkan daya kontraksi arteri.
Pada tahap Rejuvenasi, komposisi AV Circulo akan melancarkan sirkulasi darah dengan memperbaiki dan menyehatkan sel-sel arteri sehingga dapat berfungsi maksimal, serta memperkuat otot jantung, dengan demikian sirkulasi, tekanan darah dan suplai oksigen ke jantung akan terkontrol dengan baik.
Riset yang dilakukan membuktikan bahwa AV Circulo sangat bermanfaat mengatasi gangguan pada jantung dan pembuluh darah. AV Circulo merupakan anti hipertensi, anti oksidan, mampu memperbaiki/meremajakan sel-sel pembuluh darah. Secara positif sangat bermanfaat meningkatkan fungsi-fungsi pembuluh darah dan otot-otot Jantung.

North America has one of the highest heart disease rates in the world. Since 1940 cardiovascular disease(CVD) has been the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the region. It is estimated that over 56 million Americans have some form of CVD. Although CVD is increasingly common as people age, it is not an inevitable consequence of the aging process. Atherosclerosis and other forms of CVD are almost non existent in some countries, even in elderly citizens. However when these people migrate to the US and consume a western diet, their risk of CVD increases to match that of someone born in the US. In addition , as developing countries gain affluence and convert from grain based to high -fat diets, the incidence of CVD escalates. It is seen from the above fact that dietary factor influence the risk of CVD. Since an entire population cannot change dietary habits ( most of which are based on aggressive marketing by huge consumer food companies), it has become imperative for the population to have remedies to counter this disease. Modern medicine has no answers and those offered by it have strong side effects. A trade off is inevitable and some times the side effects are greater than the benefit. The expansion of genetically modified food crops to rural economies in the third world has brought the problems of the western world to the door step of third world countries poorly equipped to deal with changes in lifestyles. A summary of factors leading to hardening of the arteries and heart disease
Unhealthy diet high in saturated fats
High blood pressure
Stressful lifestyles
Smoking (up to 300% higher)
Lack of exercise
Consume a high fiber diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Reduce animal fats, red meat, fried and processed foods, white sugar and salt.
Reduce caffeine, avoid smoking and alcohol.
Composition Terminalia arjuna bark This herb has been conclusively proven to have heart protective and blood pressure lowering activity. Studies have shown that extracts relieved heart pain and lowered blood pressure. It has also been shown to improve irregular palpitations. It increases the force of contraction and assists the nutrient supply to the heart, resulting in the heart muscle gaining energy and the number of heartbeats is reduced. Crategus oxycantha The fruits are cardiotonic, coronary vasodilator. It is reputed to dissolve deposits in thickened and sclerotic arteries. Various clinical studies reveal increased cardiac performance and output: decrease in peripheral vascular resistance; decrease in pulmonary arterial and capillary pressures; reductions in blood pressure at rest and during exercise; and improved metabolic parameters.This herb improves circulation and nutrition to the heart by dilating the coronary blood vessels. Various clinical studies reveal increased cardiac performance and reduction in blood pressure at rest and during exercise. Coleus forskholii (Forskholin 4%) Detailed pharmacological studies established that forskohlin lowered normal or elevated blood pressure in different animal species through a vasodilatory effect and that it had a positive intopic action on the heart muscle . The antihypertensive effects of forskohlin were attributed to a decrease in peripheral resistance by action of the drug on arteriolar smooth muscle. The positive inotropic effects of forskohlin in the cardiac muscle were shown to be initiated by stimulation of the myocardium cell membrane adenylate cyclase, followed by a rise in cyclic AMP, an activation of membrane-bound protein kinases, a lowering of the membrane bound Na+, K+ -ATPase activity and activation of the slow calcium gate, and an activation of cytopalsmic protein kinases. Coleus Forskohlii, shows that the plant kingdom offers excellent prospects in the search for further potent cardiac agents.
Boerhaavia diffusa The cardiovascular action of this herb has been clinically studied. Due to its diuretic activity it is specific for heart conditions with fluid retention. Withania somnifera Withania somnifera has been variously described as the most important medicinal plant in India. It has been used in most preperations due to it's confimed immunomodulatory action. This herb has been the focus of hundreds of clinical studies and is one of the most exhaustively researched herbs. The anti-stress activity of the roots of Withania somnifera has been reported in multiple clinical studies. Ashwagandha has been used in treatment of most debilitating diseases.

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Therapy Herbal Untuk Asma (Sesak Nafas)

Asma adalah salah satu jenis gangguan saluran dan organ-organ pernafasan yang pada dewasa ini secara signifikan berkembang dan menjadi salah satu penyakit terbesar di dunia.
Gangguan saluran pernafasan ini sangat rentan terhadap polusi udara, pemakaian obat-obatan sintentis dan diet yang salah. Sistem pencernaan yang tidak baik dan perasaan tertekan / stress merupakan faktor lain penyebab asma.
Sebagian penderita asma sangat peka terhadap lingkungan dan makanan yang dikonsumsi yang pada keadaan tertentu dapat menimbulkan reaksi alergi pada saluran pernafasan. Hal ini menyebabkan pelepasan lendir yang berlebihan sehingga mengganggu saluran pernafasan.
Pada umumnya asma dianggap sebagai penyakit turunan, tetapi dewasa ini para pakar medis telah dapat membuktikan bahwa faktor-faktor kehidupan seperti tersebut diatas dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya penyakit asma. AV Asmo memberikan solusi untuk meringankan bahkan menyembuhkan asma dan gangguan pernafasan secara efektif.
AV Asmo dengan komposisi herbal alami mampu memperbaiki kembali fungsi saluran pernapasan beserta organ-organnya. Memperkuat jaringan paru-paru agar dapat bekerja secara optimal. Meringankan gangguan pernapasan akibat alergi debu dan udara. Selain itu juga akan membantu mencegah dan mengendalikan serangan asma (sebagai anti asma alami), mencairkan lendir atau dahak (expectorant) yang mengganggu jalannya pernapasan, serta menghilangkan infeksi saluran pernapasan.
AV Asmo sangat ideal bagi para perokok. Karena komposisi ekstrak herbal yang dimilik oleh AV Asmo membantu jaringan paru-paru melakukan rejuvenasi sel-sel yang telah rusak karena zat-zat kimia yang terkandung di dalam rokok, sehingga dapat mencegah kerusakan paru-paru dan melegakan pernapasan. Bagi anda yang merokok (perokok aktif) dan juga yang hidup dilingkungan para perokok (perokok pasif) sangat dianjurkan untuk mulai mengkonsusmsi AV Asmo agar paru-paru yang mulai tercemar oleh asap rokok dapat dibersihkan.
Riset dilakukan terhadap para penderita asma ringan,pada mereka diberikan produk ini saat terjadi serangan asma, hasilnya membuktikan AV Asmo secara signifikan mengurangi histamin, menghilangkan infeksi saluran pernafasan dan mencairkan serta memudahkan pengeluaran dahak. AV Asmo adalah Anti Inflamatory Non Steroid, aman digunakan sebagai anti asma alami.

Breathing, an action that most of us take for granted, is for millions of people a painful and traumatic experience. Without breath we would be dead, and millions of asthma patients around the world live this near death experience every day of their lives. Asthma is an unusual disease in that it respects no age. It strikes those most vulnerable, the young and the aging as well as all across the age spectrum. It is particularly tragic in infants and young children, who must live the rest of their lives fighting for breath. What is asthma? Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial airways. Three things happen during an asthma attack:
1.The breathing passage becomes sorely inflamed, 2.The muscles constrict 3.Mucus production increases.
This causes severe wheezing and a feeling of breathlessness. Breathing becomes labored and painful. 1. A Proper diet (restrict the intake of foods that can cause an allergic reaction.) 2. Alternative medicine that does not have long-term side affects, as do steroids. 3. Yoga for exercising the bronchial pathways. 4. Exercise to keep the lungs in top condition. 5. Avoid areas with high pollen concentrations. 6. Use air purifiers at home, in the car and at work to remove impurities from the air.
Most modern offices use carpeting and a high concentration of electronic equipment. These lead to a concentration of particulate matter in closed environments and an increase of impurities in the air. For those suffering from asthma, well-ventilated rooms with little or no electronic equipment are desirable. Carpeting should be avoided.
There are two kinds of asthma:
1. Acute 2. Chronic
In the first case there is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes. Inflammation of the cells lining these tubes causes a secretion of sticky mucus. This mucus blocks the air pathways and gives a feeling of breathlessness, coughing is a reaction trying to eliminate the mucus, and there could be spitting up of phlegm. Wheezing is also noticed and occasionally an upper chest pain.
Chronic asthma is characterized by the excessive secretion of mucus in the bronchi. The victims are generally middle aged and older. Chronic bronchitis is far more prevalent in developing countries where the indiscriminate use of tobacco products, unchecked pollution, poorly ventilated homes using wood fires for cooking and heating, poor industrial safety standards (particularly in the paint industry) are some of the innumerable factors responsible for the high incidence of chronic asthma. However populations in industrialized countries of N America and Europe are also under threat as the consumption of fossil fuels and deforestation continues to grow alarmingly.
Adathoda vasica : Adhatoda vasica Nees is a shrub widespread throughout the tropical regions of southeast Asia. It possesses a wide spectrum of medicinal properties including positive effects on inflammatory diseases. The antiinflammatory activity of the methanol extract, the non-alkaloid fraction, the saponins and the alkaloids was evaluated by the modified hen's egg chorioallantoic membrane test. The alkaloid fraction showed potent activity at a dose of 50 microg/pellet equivalent to that of hydrocortisone while the MeOH extract and the other fractions showed less activity. In another study the antitussive activity of Adhatoda vasica (AV) extract was evaluated in anaesthetized guinea pigs and rabbits and in unanaesthetized guinea pigs. AV was shown to have a good antitussive activity. Intravenously, it was 1/20-1/40 as active as codeine on mechanically and electrically induced coughing in rabbits and guinea-pigs. After oral administration to the guinea-pig the antitussive activity of AV was similar to codeine against coughing induced by irritant aerosols. Tylophora asthamatica: The effects of the extract, the petroleum ether fraction, and the aqueous fraction of the extract of Tylophora asthmatica on weight of the adrenal gland and its functional activities (as evidenced by its cholesterol and vitamin C content, plasma steroid, hydroxyproline content in skin) and pituitary-adrenal axis were studied using normal, unilaterally adrenalectomised, dexamethasone-treated (steroid suppression of ACTH), and stereotaxically hypophysectomised male albino rats. The extracts showed similar actions (i.e. stimulation of adrenals as indicated by increase in weight and decrease in cholesterol and vitamin C contents). The plasma steroid level was increased but skin hydroxyproline level findings were not conclusive. T. asthmatica was found to antagonise dexamethasone/hypophysectomy-induced suppression of pituitary on activity of the adrenals. It may be concluded that T. asthmatica may act by a direct stimulation of the adrenal cortex. Coleus forskohlii: A team of researchers led by Tsukawaki M investigated the relaxant effects of forskolin, a diterpene derivative isolated from the roots of Coleus forskohlii, on guinea pig airway smooth muscle by measuring the isometric tension of tracheal smooth muscle in vitro and transcutaneous Po2 during the histamine inhalation test (HIT) in vivo. Forskolin (10(-9)-10(-5) M) caused dose-dependent relaxant effects on resting tone and on leukotriene C4 (10(-7) M)-, leukotriene D4 (10(-7) M)-, and carbachol (3 X 10(-6) M)-induced contraction of tracheal smooth muscle. Moreover, with propranolol pretreatment the relaxant effect of forskolin on tracheal smooth muscle did not change, whereas with the same pretreatment the relaxant effect of isoproterenol diminished. Forskolin (10(-8)-10(-6) M) raised tissue cyclic AMP levels dose-dependently in tracheal smooth muscle (6.7-359.9 pmol/mg protein). Forskolin (1 mg/kg) administered subcutaneously raised the respiratory threshold of (RT-histamine in the HIT. The determination of the RT-histamine by measuring tcPo2 was possible without anesthesia. These results suggest that forskolin relaxes airway smooth muscle in guinea pigs in vitro and in vivo by raising tissue cyclic AMP levels and that its actions are independent of beta-adrenoceptor. Inula racemosa: The alcoholic extract of root of Inula racemosa, was studied for its antiallergic effect in experimental models of type I hypersensitivity, viz. egg albumin induced passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) and mast cell degranulation in albino rats. The extract was prepared by the process of continuous heat extraction. LD50 of this extract was found to be 2100 +/- 60 mg/kg, i.p. Assessment of protection against egg albumin induced passive cutaneous anaphylaxix by different doses of Inula racemosa was done by giving drug intraperitoneally or orally for seven days or once only. Mast cell degranulation studies were done by using compound 48/80 as degranulation agent with same dosage schedule. Inula racemosa (i.p. as well as p.o.) showed significant protection against egg albumin induced PCA. Protection against compound 48/80 induced mast cell degranulation by extract of Inula racemosa (single dose) was similar to that of disodium cromoglycate. The seven days drug treatment schedule showed greater protection than disodium cromoglycate intraperitoneally. The results suggest that Inula racemosa possesses potent antiallergic properties in rats. Ocimum sanctum: A methanol extract and an aqueous suspension of Ocimum sanctum inhibited acute as well as chronic inflammation in rats as tested by carrageenan-induced pedal edema and croton oil-induced granuloma and exudate, respectively. In both test procedures, the anti-inflammatory response of 500 mg/kg of methanol extract and aqueous suspension was comparable to the response observed with 300 mg/kg of sodium salicylate. Both the extract and suspension showed analgesic activity in the mouse hotplate procedure and the methanol extract caused an increase in the tail-withdrawal reaction time of a subanalgesic dose of morphine. Both preparations reduced typhoid-paratyphoid A/B vaccine-induced pyrexia. The antipyretic action of the methanol extract and aqueous suspension was weaker and of shorter duration than that of 300 mg/kg sodium salicylate. Oral premedication with the methanol extract and the aqueous suspension delayed castor oil-induced diarrhoea in rats Alpinia Galanga: The diarylheptanoid 7-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-1-phenylhept-4-en-3-one (HMP) is a naturally occurring phytochemical found in lesser galangal (Alpinia officinarum). In the present study, we have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory properties of this compound on mouse macrophage cell line (RAW 264.7) and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in vitro. Treatment of RAW 264.7 cells with HMP (6.25-25 microM) significantly inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated nitric oxide (NO) production. This compound also inhibited the release of LPS-induced proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) from human PB-MCs in vitro. In addition, Western blotting and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrated that HMP decreased LPS-induced inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) protein and mRNA expression in RAW 264.7 cells. Furthermore, HMP treatment also reduced nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) DNA binding induced by LPS in RAW 264.7 cells. To elucidate the molecular mechanism for inhibition of proinflammatory mediators by HMP (25 microM), we have studied the effect of HMP on LPS-induced p38 and p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). We observed that the phosphorylation of p44/42 MAPK in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells was markedly inhibited by HMP, whereas activation of p38 MAPK was not affected. These results suggested that HMP from lesser galangal suppressed the LPS-induced production of NO, IL-1 beta, and TNF-alpha and expression of iNOS and COX-2 gene expression by inhibiting NF-kappa B activation and phosphorylation of p44/42 MAPK.

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Herbal Kesehatan Liver

Hati merupakan organ terbesar dengan aneka ragam fungsi. Demikian kompleksnya fungsi hati sehingga tidak mengherankan apabila hati tidak berfungsi dengan baik, kesehatan kita akan terganggu dalam banyak hal. Radang hati yang paling populer adalah hepatitis A dan B, tetapi akhir-akhir ini bermunculan jenis-jenis lain, bahkan sampai saat ini sudah sampai hepatitis G.
Masing-masing mempunyai ciri tersendiri, namun secara umum gejalanya sama. Umumnya bisa menjurus pada kondisi sirosis dan kanker hati jika tidak ditangani secara tuntas.
Yang cukup membahayakan adalah pada umumnya penderita hepatitis menunjukkan gejala yang mirip dengan gejala flu seperti badan lemas, letih, perut kembung, kurang nafsu makan, mual-mual dan bahkan muntah.
Komposisi nabati pada AV LivAct secara khusus diformulasikan untuk membantu meningkatkan fungsi utama dari hati / liver kita yakni sebagai filter penyaring toksin / racun-racun dalam tubuh dengan dua tahapan dasarnya yaitu cleansing (pembersihan) menetralisir racun-racun tersebut serta mengeluarkannya melalui sistem pembuangan. Selanjutnya pada tahap rejuvenasi kombinasi tonik nabati AV LivAct akan memperbaiki dan membangun kembali sel-sel liver yang rusak
Dari riset yang dilakukan terhadap 250 orang penderita TBC & Liver, AV LivAct terbukti mampu melindungi Liver dari kerusakan akibat obat-obatan TBC yang dikonsumsinya. Sedangkan dari riset terhadap penderita hepatitis,terbukti AV LivAct secara signifikan meningkatkan regenerasi sel-sel liver dan mempercepat pemulihan penderitanya. AV LivAct mengandung anti virus yang sangat kuat dan dapat melindungi liver dengan baik terhadap kerusakan akibat virus maupun obat-obatan sintetik.

The Liver is intricately linked to dietary intake and how effectively and efficiently the body uses, stores or deactivates dietary derived substances absorbed from the intestine. Most of the nutrients absorbed from the intestine are transported directly to the liver for storage, repacking or combining with other compounds. Waste products and other potentially toxic substances produced in the body or absorbed from the intestine are detoxified in the liver. The liver is rightly called the engine of the body. The liver plays a pivotal role in the manufacture, storage and regulation of essential compounds. The liver plays an important role in the regulation of glycogen levels. Minerals, proteins, sugars and fats are stored , manufactured or regulated by this organ and damage to the liver could result in a host of serious health problems such as Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Jaundice, Hemochromatosis.
AV LIVACT is a proprietary formula developed after years of research. The hepatic anti-oxidant activity of the product has been proven as has its anti-viral activity. AV LIVACT has been successfully used in cases of severe/chronic hepatitis & cirrhosis . It is also useful as a supplement when of antibiotics. It is combined with AV UNILIPID, AV URI K & AV CIRCULO.
ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA: In Ayurvedic medicine (a system used in India), there are 26 different formulations containing AP that are used to treat liver disorders. AP's four related medicinal compounds were tested for a protective effect against liver toxicity produced in mice by giving them carbon tetrachloride (a cleaning solvent), or other toxic chemicals. These chemicals damage the liver by causing lipid peroxidation. This is a process whereby free radicals (reactive molecules) produced by the chemical attack and destroy cellular membranes that surround liver cells. When the AP compounds were given to animals three days before the toxic chemicals, there was a significant protective effect in the liver. This effect was attributed to the antioxidant ability of the AP compounds, which was effective as silymarin (another plant antioxidant from milk thistle). In another study, andrographolide from AP was shown to produce a significant increase in bile flow. Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder and aids in digestion. When a chemical, paracetamol, was given to animals pretreated with andrographolide, the usual decrease in bile production seen with this chemical was prevented. In this case. andrographolide was more potent than silymarin. Infective hepatitis is an acute inflammatory condition of the liver. It is often followed by liver cirrhosis and may progress to a coma and death. In India, where ancient physicians used AP to treat similar liver ailments, a study was conducted to evaluate the effect of AP in infective hepatitis. There was marked improvement in the majority of patients tested, when given a decoction or infusion of AP. Appetite improved on the fifth day of treatment, jaundice (yellow color of conjunctive of the eye and skin) gradually diminished and completely disappeared within 24 days, and fever subsided after 7 days on average. Other indications of effectiveness of AP included improvement in liver function tests. The researchers concluded that AP was a useful remedy for treatment of infective hepatitis. The andrographolides present in AP are potent stimulators of gallbladder function. In animal experiments, those that received andrographolides for seven consecutive days showed an increase in bile flow, bile salts, and bile acids. These increases are beneficial and result in enhanced gallbladder function. Use of AP might, therefore, decrease the probability of gallstone formation and might also aid fat digestion. The andrographolides also prevented decreases in the amount of bile that are caused by acetaminophen toxicity. PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI: An aqueous extract of the plant Phyllanthus niruri inhibits endogenous DNA polymerase of hepatitis B virus and binds to the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus in vitro. The extract also inhibits woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) DNA polymerase and binds to the surface antigen of WHV in vitro. The extract, nontoxic to mice, was tested for antiviral activity in woodchucks (Marmota monax). In a trial using six long-term WHV-carrier woodchucks, five treated animals showed a faster decrease in woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen titer compared to one untreated control. In animals recently infected with WHV, the extract was effective when administered i.p. in three out of four animals in reducing and within 3-6 weeks eliminating both the surface antigen titer and DNA polymerase activity in serum. The treatment was discontinued after 10 weeks, and the treated animals have remained free of detectable markers of WHV for more than 45 weeks. In contrast, three untreated controls remained positive for both markers for WHV. One of the controls died after 8 weeks; the other two controls have remained positive for WHV markers for more than 45 weeks. In a third trial with long-term carriers, test animals treated subcutaneously with the extract for 12 weeks did not respond; but on switching the mode of administration to i.p., two out of the five animals showed a significant decrease in woodchuck hepatitis virus surface antigen titer compared to controls. Hepatitis B is one of the major diseases inflicting the human population. Conventional treatment with interferon-alpha is very expensive and has many serious side effects. Alternative herbal medicine using extracts of Phyllanthus niruri (amarus) and Phyllanthus urinaria has been reported to be effective against hepatitis B and other viral infections. The purpose of this study is to quantitatively determine the antiviral effect of these herbs in a well defined in vitro system. Antiviral activity induced by the herbal extract was measured as inhibition of the cytopathic effect (CPE) which normally results from infection of untreated MDBK cells with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Aqueous extract of P. urinaria (prepared from dried herbs) and P. niruri were serially titrated and their activities were compared to a positive control, interferon-alpha2b. Pretreatment of MDBK cells with interferon-alpha2b, as expected, inhibited the CPE from VSV infection dose-dependently. The extract of P. niruri produced a concentration-dependent antiviral activity at dilutions 1:2560 to 1:160. Maximal activity (70% inhibition of CPE) was found at 1:160 dilution. The extract of P. urinaria was less effective; the highest tolerable concentration (1:80 dilution) produced a 28% inhibition of CPE. A cell-based assay has been developed to examine the antiviral effect of herbal extracts from the genus Phyllanthus. Aqueous extracts of P. niruri and P. urinaria protect MDBK cells from viral infection. In addition, they do not display cytotoxicity in uninfected normal cells. These findings support clinical studies by others that regular intake of these herbal supplements may be beneficial for chronic hepatitis B patients. ECLIPTA ALBA: Singh B, et al conducted a study on the extract of fresh leaves of the plant Eclipta alba (Ea), previously reported for is hepatoprotective activity. The extracts were fractionated into three parts to chemically identify the most potent bioactive fraction. The hepatoprotective potential of the fraction prepared from extract was studied in vivo in rats and mice against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity. The hepatoprotective activity was determined on the basis of their effects on parameters like hexobarbitone sleep time, zoxazolamine paralysis time, bromosulphaline clearance, serum transaminases and serum bilirubin. Fraction EaII (10-80 mg/kg, p.o.) containing coumestan wedelolactone and desmethylwedelolactone as major components with apigenin, luteolin, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and protocateuic acid as minor constituents exhibited maximum hepatoprotective activity and is the active fraction for hepatoprotective activity of Eclipta alba leave. The acute toxicity studies have shown that like Ea, Fraction EaII also high safety margin In a separate study, the hepatoprotective effect of the ethanol/water (1:1) extract of Eclipta alba (Ea) has been studied at subcellular levels in rats against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity. Ea significantly counteracted CCl4-induced inhibition of the hepatic microsomal drug metabolising enzyme amidopyrine N-demethylase and membrane bound glucose 6-phosphatase, but failed to reverse the very high degree of inhibition of another drug metabolising enzyme aniline hydroxylase. The loss of hepatic lysosomal acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase by CCl4 was significantly restored by Ea. Its effect on mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and adenosine 5'-triphosphatase was not significant. The study shows that hepatoprotective activity of Ea is by regulating the levels of hepatic microsomal drug metabolising enzymes. TEPHROSIA PURPUREA: Tephrosia purpurea, known as Sarapunkha in Ayurveda for its hepatoprotective action, was evaluated for its efficacy in rats by inducing hepatotoxicity with D-galactosamine HCI (acute) and carbon tetrachloride (chronic). Tephrosia purpurea (aerial parts) powder was administered orally at a dose of 500 mgkg. Serum levels of transaminases (SGOT and SGPT) and bilirubin were used as the biochemical markers of hepatotoxicity. Histopathological changes in the liver were also studied. The results of the study indicated that the administration of Tephrosia purpurea along with the hepatotoxins offered a protective action in both acute (D- galactosamine) and chronic (CC14 models.) OCIMUM SANCTUM: Effect of Ocimum sanctum leaf extract was studied on paracetamol induced hepatic damage in rats. O.sanctum was found to protect the rats from hepatotoxic action of paracetamol as evidenced by significant reduction in the elevated serum enzyme levels. Histopathological studies showed marked reduction in fatty degeneration in animals receiving O.sanctum along with paracetamol as compared to the control group. It is stipulated that the extract treated group was partially protected from hepatic cell damage caused by paracetamol. AZADIRACHTA INDICA: Azadirachta indica, a plant used widely in Ayurveda, has been reported to have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and adaptogenic properties. In a study conducted by Yanpallewar SU; et al the hepatoprotective activity of the drug was evaluated. Fresh juice of tender leaves of Azadirachta indica (200 mg/kg body wt. p.o.) inhibited paracetamol (2 g/kg body wt. p.o.)-induced lipid peroxidation and prevented depletion of sulfhydryl groups in liver cells. There was an increase in serum marker enzymes of hepatic damage (aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase and alkaline phosphatase) after paracetamol administration. Azadirachta indica pretreatment stabilized the serum levels of these enzymes. Histopathological observations of liver tissues corroborated these findings. In a separate study, the effect of aqueous leaf extract of Azadirachta indica (A. indica) was evaluated in paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Liver necrosis was produced by administering single dose of paracetamol (2 g/kg, p.o.). The liver damage was evidenced by elevated levels of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GT) and by histopathological observations of liver sections. Aqueous A. indica leaf extract (500 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly

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