Kadar gula darah dikontrol oleh hormon insulin, hormon ini diproduksi oleh pankreas. Pada saat kita mengkonsumsi gula (makanan manis) pankreas akan mengeluarkan hormon insulin ke dalam pembuluh darah, kemudian insulin akan membawa dan menginstruksikan hati / liver serta otot-otot untuk menyimpannya sebagai glikogen. Glikogen adalah sumber energi bagi segala aktivitas tubuh dan sangat dibutuhkan oleh otak. Jika terjadi gangguan pada pankreas, misalnya karena terlalu berat kinerjanya dan menyebabkan fungsinya menurun maka insulin yang dihasilkan akan terpengaruh, baik secara kualitas maupun kuatintas sehingga glukosa tidak sempat diproses menjadi glikogen melainkan terlepas kembali ke dalam darah sehingga menyebabkan kadar gula dalam darah meningkat Karena kadar gula dalam darah yang meningkat, maka akan dikeluarkan melalui urine (oleh karena itu diabetes sering disebut sebagai kencing manis). Yang sangat ditakutkan adalah komplikasi diabetes melitus yang dapat muncul serta akut dan kronik, timbul beberapa bulan atau beberapa tahun sejak mengidap diabetes. Komplikasi diabetes melitus dapat menyerang sistem organ-organ tubuh lain, seperti : ginjal, mata, sistem syaraf, hati atau liver, jantung dan otak. AV Diasol merupakan solusi untuk mengatasi diabetes melitus. Dengan dua tahap mendasarnya komposisi-komposisi diasol akan menetralisir kelebihan gula dalam darah secara signifikan dan pada tahap rejuvenasi akan memperbaiki kerusakan sel-sel pankreas dan meningkatkan fungsi pankreas.Riset atas AV Diasol dilakukan terhadap para penderita diabetes dari berbagai negara dan terbukti secara signifikan sangat bermanfaat dan dapat dikatakan sebagai anti diabetes. Hasil riset menunjukkan AV Diasol mampu menurunkan gula darah secara efektif dan meningkatkan fungsi Pankreas untuk menghasilkan peremajaan beta Sel. 75% lebih dari para penderita yang diriset selama 9-12 bulan, menunjukkan hasil test gula darah yang tetap normal walau tes dilakukan setelah makan (bukan saat puasa). AV Diasol juga merupakan anti oksidanDiabetes is one of the major degenerative disease in the world today. It is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. Diabetes is characterized by a reduced ability to use and metabolize dietary carbohydrates, abnormally high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) and an abnormal amount of sugar in the urine. Diabetes is classified into 2 categories: Type 1: Insulin dependent (IDDM) or juvenile-onset diabetes. Type 2: Non-insulin dependent (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes. IDDM begins suddenly, usually in childhood. It is precipitated by a viral attack on the pancreas, and probably genetic factors. The control of this type of diabetes requires insulin therapy. It is felt that there is no cure for this type. NIDDM begins after the teen years. The progression is slow compared to IDDM and symptoms are mild in the beginning but becomes severe with the progression. The symptoms of this type is similar to IDDM but the pathology is different. The pancreas contains specialized cells called beta cells that secrete the hormone Insulin in response to high blood sugar levels. In normal conditions, dietary carbohydrates are absorbed from the intestinal lining into the blood as glucose and other simple sugars. As blood levels rise, insulin is secreted from the pancreas and in conjunction with Glucose Tolerance Factor, binds to specialized sites on the membranes of body cells and encourages the transportation of sugar from the blood to the cells. This serves two purposes, it lowers blood sugar and increase availability of sugar(energy) for normal cell functioning. Blood sugar levels return to pre-meal levels as the blood sugar levels decrease. This process is arrested in diabetic conditions. Blood sugar rises after meals but the pancreas does not secrete adequate amounts of insulin (IDDM) or normal amounts are secreted but the cells are unresponsive to the hormone (NIDDM). Since the cells are starved of energy, fat is broken down to provide energy to the cells. This raises the blood fat levels increasing the risk of cardio vascular diseases. Composition Gymnema sylvetris: The leaves of Gymnema sylvestris lower blood sugar, stimulate heart and raise urine output . The hypoglycemic activity of leaf powder have been reported both in rabbits and men . Also, leaves of Gymnema syvestris given to diabetics reduce urine sugar level . The hypoglycemic extract of Gymnema sylvestris R.Br. brings about blood glucose homeostasis, which in turn prevents increased glycosylation of proteins thus reversing the onset of changes leading to micro and macroangiopathy. Control of Diabetes mellitus and the associated complications are mediated through the revival or regeneration of the insulin, producing beta -cells in the islets of langerhans . Eugenia jambolena: The fruit juice has anti-diabetic activity . Extracts of seed of Eugenia jambolana alleviate glycosuria and Hypoglycemia . Pterocarpus marsupium: Pterocarpus marsupium is an anti-diabetic drug . It have been proved to be effective in diabetes by releasing insulin , by regenerating beta cells of islets of langerhans of pancreas . Trigonella foenum-graecum: Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds have been shown to possess hypoglycemic properties in both animal and human subjects . The soluble dietary fiber (SDF) when fed simultaneously with glucose showed significant hypoglycemic effect in rats. However, compounds other then SDF is/are also involved in the hypoglycemic activity . Azadirachta indica: It has been reported that the aqueous extract of tender leaves of Azadirachta indica tree reduced blood sugar in dogs . Also, its oil, leaf decoction and nimbidin significantly delayed the peak rise in blood sugar after glucose administration. Further, it was found that glucose tolerance test curves are similar to that of Tolbutamide . Swertia Chirayta: The plant is bitter with a sharp taste, astringent, tonic, stomachic, lessens inflammation . The extract exhibits hypoglycemic activity . Shilajit: Shilajit is employed in diabetes in which it reduces the quantity of sugar and urine . Cinamomum tamala: The leaves and bark have been claimed to be effective in the management of diabetes . Oral administration of 50% ethanolic extract of C. tamala leaves significantly lowered the plasma glucose levels in normoglycaemic and streptozotocin hyperglycaemic rats. The extract also exhibited anti hypercholestrimic and antihypertriglyceridemic effects in streptozotocin-hyperglycaemic rats Tinospora cordifolia: Tinospora cardifolia has been proved to be a hypoglycaemic agent .Plant extract caused reduction in fasting blood sugar in rabbits and rats . Piper Longum: The ethanolic extract of Piper longum exerted hypoglycaemic effect in rats and also counteracted the spasms induced by various spasmogens in isolated guinea pig ileum.
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