Pada tingkat normal, kolesterol bukanlah sesuatu yang membahayakan. Sebaliknya, kolesterol merupakan bahan baku yang sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh untuk membangun dinding sel dan memproduksi hormon seperti estrogen dan testoteron.
Sebagai salah satu macam dari zat lemak pada tubuh, kolesterol diklarifikasikan sebagai lipid. Sedangkan lipid yang dibawa oleh darah dan bergabung dengan protein disebut lipoprotein. Ada dua macam lipoprotein yaitu lipoprotein kepekatan rendah (LDL), biasa dikenal sebagai kolesterol buruk dan lipoprotein kepekatan tinggi (HDL), biasa dikenal sebagai kolesterol baik.
LDL cenderung membentuk gumpalan pada dinding arteri, sedang HDL membantu membersihkan kelebihan kolesterol pada aliran darah. Keadaan yang ideal adalah bagi tubuh kita adalah tingkat rendah kolesterol LDL, tingkat tinggi kolesterol HDL dan total tengah-tengah dari keduanya. Dewasa ini, obat yang ada dan beredar di masyarakat umum, selalu mempunyai efek ketergantungan, bisa berfungsi selama digunakan, dan mempunyai efek samping yang serius (kegagalan ginjal, kerusakan hati, penglihatan kabur/hilang).
Komposisi Nabati AV Unilipid setelah melewati proses pengembangan selama 7 tahun lamanya, melalui proses pencarian ratusan jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan, akhirnya terbukti secara klinis mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol di dalam darah secara aman dan efisien serta tidak berdosis ketergantungan. AV Unilipid telah terbukti lebih kuat dan lebih aman dari produk konvensional yang ada di dunia saat ini.
High cholesterol is the best known of all the many threats to a healthy heart. When excess amounts of this waxy, fat-like substance build up along the walls of the arteries, you face a dramatically higher risk of a complete blockage, leading to a heart attack or stroke.
At normal levels, cholesterol is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it's an essential raw material used by the body to build cell walls and produce hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. The body produces its own supply of cholesterol in the liver, and it's found naturally in all animal products (such as meats, eggs, milk, and cheese). It poses a problem only when the body is unable to use or eliminate excessive supplies.
As one of a variety of fatty substances in the body, cholesterol is classified as a lipid. It is carried through the bloodstream attached to proteins, forming complexes called lipoproteins. There are two major types of lipoproteins: the low-density lipoproteins (LDL) commonly known as "bad" cholesterol, and the high-density lipoproteins (HDL) usually dubbed "good" cholesterol. It's the "bad" LDL cholesterol that tends to form deposits on the artery walls. HDLs, on the other hand, help to clear excess cholesterol from the bloodstream. The ideal situation to aim for, then, is a low level of LDL cholesterol, a high level of HDL cholesterol, and a moderate total of both.
Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood. According to the National Cholesterol Education Program, a desirable target profile consists of:
- A total blood cholesterol level of less than 200
- An LDL level of:
- less than 100 if you have heart disease
- less than 130 if you're at risk of heart disease
- less than 160 if your risk of heart disease is low
- An HDL level greater than 40
You are generally considered at risk of heart disease if two or more of the following factors apply to you:
- Cigarette smoking
- High blood pressure
- Low HDL cholesterol (below 40)
- A family history of early heart disease (before 55 in a man, or 65 in a woman)
- Your own age (over 45 if you're man, over 55 if you're a woman)
The gum of this herb has been studied by over 100 clinical researchers, all of whom have shown that the herb has significant lipid lowering activity. Based on ethnobotanical data and recent scientific discoveries, we have included this herb as part of the developmental process. It was amongst 195 herbs screened for activity.
Allium sativum:
Garlic as it is commonly called. Whilst eating dietary garlic is recommended it has several problems. The odor is the major one as people’s skin smell all day, but the other is the stability of the herb. An enzyme contained in the fresh bulbs break down the activity ingredient to convert it. By extracting and stabilizing these active compound we have been able to use this powerful herb in the formula.
Trigonella foenum-graecum :
A common vegetable in India, the seeds of this plant yield powerful bioactive substances that help reduce cholesterol. The herb also provides soluble dietary fibers that help transport serum cholesterol out of the system.
Piper Nigrum:
Used in all AV range of products, this is a herb that enhances the Bioavailability of other herbs. It makes the product more effective.
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