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Brain Vitamin (Vitamin Otak)

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2007

Stres adalah penyebab utama kerusakan saraf otak. Stres menyebabkan kita kehilangan ingatan jangka pendek karena kurangnya fokus. Inilah yang disebut kehilangan ingatan sesaat. Sayangnya, kebanyakan kita harus berurusan dengan stres sebagai bagian kehidupan sehari-hari. Bahkan anak-anak, mereka sewaktu-waktu dapat mengalami stres dalam ujian, stres karena tekanan teman sebaya dan stres dalam masa pubertas. Inilah mengapa pada anak-anak pun dapat mengalami penurunan daya ingat. Kekuatan untuk menerima kenyataan atau untuk mengingat kenyataan dipengaruhi oleh perubahan biokimia di otak.
AV Memvita mengandung tumbuh-tumbuhan terpilih, yang telah teruji secara ilmiah, secara khusus diformulasikan untuk melindungi sel-sel otak dari kerusakan dan juga meningkatkan daya ingat.
Hasil riset secara acak dari berbagai segmen usia, menunjukkan bahwa AV Memvita terbukti meningkatkan daya ingat jangka pendek, konsentrasi dan kemampuan memperhatikan yang lebih luas dan beragam pada anak-anak. Dalam riset tersebut juga terungkap bahwa AV Memvita juga sangat efektif mencegah pengerasan pembuluh darah arteri sehingga sangat bermanfaat untuk menghindarkan Stroke dan Serangan Jantung.
The Human brain is the most complex organ in any living thing. Encased in a bony armor (the skull) and guarded by a series of chemical barriers, the brain has long defied analysis. Hippocrates correctly surmised some 2400 years ago that “ Not only our pleasure, our joy and our laughter but also our sorrow, pain, grief and tears arise from the brain, and the brain alone”. The convoluted cerebral cortex crowns the brain which at maturity-around 18-weighs 3 pounds and numbers 50 to 100 billion nerve cells. These nerve cells are highly specialized units called neurons. The neurons hold the key to the brain’s subtle and efficient system of communication. Each neuron has a long, white-sheathed tail called an axon which transmits nerve impulses. The brain develops nerve cells at a rate of about 360 million a day during the fetal development stage, this process halts at birth. From then on , we live with what we have and less every day as the brain cells die at a regular rate. However, proper nutrition, a stress free life and various other environmental conditions impact the way our brain cells live. To protect these complex cells, the brain is protected by protein sheets . These protein deposits protect the brain from injury but an excess of protein deposits can damage the brain. Therefore it is essential for the process to be regulated. Stress is a major cause of damage to nerve cells.
Memory is an often misunderstood term. Everyone has a memory, some have a better power of recall than others, but that is because those individuals have trained one part of the brain to function better that others. The only significant difference is stress. Stress causes short term memory loss due to a lack of focus. This is what is referred to as Memory loss. Unfortunately, most of us must deal with stress as a part of our daily existence. Even children are subject to stress by way of exams, peer pressure and puberty. This is where some children develop recall deficiency. The power to absorb a fact or to recall a fact is impacted by biochemical changes in the brain that cause neurons to misfire and lose communication, resulting in short term or selective memory loss.
The Product
Nature has provided humans with not only a unique brain, but the ability to use it. We have done so by investigating plants that help protect our brains. Many of these plants have been thoroughly investigated in numerous clinical studies. AV MEMVITA contains a selection of herbs that have been traditionally and scientifically proven to protect the brain cells from damage and also improve memory.
Each capsule of AV MEMVITA contain extracts of:
Celatrus paniculata extract
Celastris has been traditionally used in products that enhance memory. Researchers in India found that the extract of C. paniculata possesses tranquilizing, sedative, central muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-emetic, analgesic and adaptogenic properties Other researchers reported the seed Oil extract of C.paniculatus obtained from Amsar Private Limited, to have memory enhancing effect besides anti-anxiety and lipid lowering properties in albino rats of either sex. Celastrus paniculata decreased transfer latency in elevated plus maze in the rats receiving 60 mg/kg and decreased the secondary avoidance blockade in conditioned avoidance response.
Bacopa Monnier Extract Nir Brahmi ( Bacopa monniera Linn.) is a reputed nervine tonic in Ayurvedic literature. It has been the focus of a 30 year study to establish the scientific basis of it's action. Scientists of the Indian laboratory at the Central Drug & Research institute (CDRI) have isolated and characterized the two major compounds: Baccoside A & Baccoside B. The extract contained in this product is the same extract developed by this premier institute and contains 50% Baccosides A & B. This herb is reputed to be the one Lord Brahma used and therefore the name Brahmi is given to it. Researchers administered the aqueous suspension of the extract (40mg/kg,p.o.) for three or more days to rats. The first schedule induced a labile behavior using a shock motivated brightness discrimination reaction. The brahmi-treated group showed a better acquisition, improved retention and delayed extinction (p< style="font-style: italic;" align="justify">Convolvulus pluricaulis extract
Dr . H. K. Kushwaha and Dr K.P. Sharma conducted an indepth study on Shankpushpi in the management of Depressive illness. The Researchers felt that Depression is a major disorder leading to various social problems. They therefore undertook a study specifically to investigate the role of this traditional herb in depressive illness. 20 Patients were chosen suffering from depression. 15 males and 5 females were the subject of the study. All patients were screened to ensure that the illness exhibited was chronic and not the result of an immediate emotional issue. The chosen patients exhibited mild to moderate symptoms of depressive disorders. The antidepressant activity was noted to be significant with 20% of the treated group showed a moderate improvement, 60 % showed a positively marked improvement and 20% showed excellent improvement. Correspondingly 60 % of the group on placebo did not show any change whilst 40% showed moderate improvement. The Researchers concluded that Shankpushpi has an important role to play in the management of depressive disorders.
Withania Sonifera extract
Withania somnifera is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a medhrasayan, which promotes learning acquisition and memory retrieval. Withania somnifera is one of natures wonders as it has proven to be useful in a host of diseases. It's use in cancer has been investigated, it's anti-anxiety activity has been proven. It is very useful in cases of memory loss, anxiety, fatigue. Scientists have studied the effect of Withania somnifera on Dopaminergic receptors in Rat Brain during stress. The animals were subjected to immobilization stress for 5 hrs., and the dopamine receptor population of the corpus striatum was studied by [3H] spiroperidol ligand binding without and after pretreatment with the extracts of withania somnifera. The results showed that the DA receptor population was significantly increased after stress which was prevented by pretreatment with Withania somnifera. Other researchers investigated the neuropharmacological activity of Withania somnifera and reported that the extract potentiates the pentabarbitone induced hypnosis. They observed that there was a significant increase in the pentylenetetrazole induced seizure latency in 8 days treatment.
Tinospora cordifolia extract
The extract of the roots of t. cordifolia was investigated for its effect on brain amine levels in stressed rats. It was found to possess normalizing activity against stress induced changes in norepinepherine (NE), dopamine (DA), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and 5-hydroxtindole acetic acid (5-HIA) levels (20).
Centella asiatica Extract
Argarwal & Singh, have reported that the extracts prolonged the hypnotic effect of sodium phenobarbitone in mice and rats. It reduced the amphetamine toxicity by 20 to 30 per cent in mice. No protection was seen against convulsions produced either by metrazol in mice or by electric shock seizures in rats. Significant fall in rectal temperatures of rats which was maximum at two hours, was shown with a dose of 100mg/kg. The extract and the glycosides have shown mild tranquilizing effect The whole plant and the leaves of C. asiatica are taken as tonic and for the improvement in memory. The extracts and powders have shown to have significant activity in improving mental ability in mentally retarded children. A six week treatment in patients with anxiety neurosis reduced anxiety levels and showed improvement in the mental fatigue rate and immediate memory span. It has been found efficient in the treatment of educable mentally retarded children of age range 8-12 years and improved general mental ability of mentally retarded children.

1 komentar:

  1. michael key mengatakan...

    Semua orang tua menginginkan anak-anak mereka untuk berhasil dalam hidup; Itu sebabnya kita mendidik mereka. Orangtua tahu bahwa anak-anak harus diberikan pendidikan yang maksimal sementara mereka masih muda untuk mengeluarkan potensi tersembunyi mereka.

    10 Januari 2010 pukul 23.46  

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