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Therapy Herbal Untuk Jantung

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2007

Penyakit jantung menduduki urutan pertama sebagai penyebab kematian, khususnya di negara-negara maju. Berbagai faktor kehidupan modern telah terbukti memiliki andil besar dalam memberikan akibat buruk pada jantung dan sirkulasi darah. Gaya hidup seperti : cenderung selalu stress, kurang olah raga, istirahat tidak teratur adalah sebagai contoh gaya hidup modern yang dapat menyebabkan memburuknya kesehatan jantung.
Konsumsi lemak berlebihan (misal kegemaran akan fast food), diabetes, merokok, kegemukan, hipertensi juga memberikan dampak yang besar dalam memperburuk kesehatan jantung.
Terhambatnya suplai oksigen dalam darah ke jantung oleh timbunan kolesterol pada pembuluh darah, akan menimbulkan rasa sakit pada jantung dan jika arteri benar-benar tertutup maka dapat terjadi serangan jantung, menyempitnya arteri karena tumpukan kolesterol akan menghilangkan kemampuannya untuk mengembang dan berkontraksi. Penghambatan aliran darah akan meningkatkan pembentukan gumpulan darah dan mengakibatkan hipertensi yang dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung, stroke, bahkan kematian. Kolesterol tinggi dapat menutupi arteri dan menyumbat darah ke otak, ginjal, alat kelamin, jantung dan organ vital lainnya.
Dalam mengatasi problem-problem penyakit jantung ini akan terbukti betapa efektifnya manfaat dua tahapan dasar komposisi AV Circulo. Pada tahap Cleansing (pembersihan) komposisi AV Circulo secara signifikan akan mengontrol, menetralisir dan menstabilkan kolesterol dalam pembuluh darah, sehingga akan mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan penyumbatan arteri serta meningkatkan daya kontraksi arteri.
Pada tahap Rejuvenasi, komposisi AV Circulo akan melancarkan sirkulasi darah dengan memperbaiki dan menyehatkan sel-sel arteri sehingga dapat berfungsi maksimal, serta memperkuat otot jantung, dengan demikian sirkulasi, tekanan darah dan suplai oksigen ke jantung akan terkontrol dengan baik.
Riset yang dilakukan membuktikan bahwa AV Circulo sangat bermanfaat mengatasi gangguan pada jantung dan pembuluh darah. AV Circulo merupakan anti hipertensi, anti oksidan, mampu memperbaiki/meremajakan sel-sel pembuluh darah. Secara positif sangat bermanfaat meningkatkan fungsi-fungsi pembuluh darah dan otot-otot Jantung.

North America has one of the highest heart disease rates in the world. Since 1940 cardiovascular disease(CVD) has been the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the region. It is estimated that over 56 million Americans have some form of CVD. Although CVD is increasingly common as people age, it is not an inevitable consequence of the aging process. Atherosclerosis and other forms of CVD are almost non existent in some countries, even in elderly citizens. However when these people migrate to the US and consume a western diet, their risk of CVD increases to match that of someone born in the US. In addition , as developing countries gain affluence and convert from grain based to high -fat diets, the incidence of CVD escalates. It is seen from the above fact that dietary factor influence the risk of CVD. Since an entire population cannot change dietary habits ( most of which are based on aggressive marketing by huge consumer food companies), it has become imperative for the population to have remedies to counter this disease. Modern medicine has no answers and those offered by it have strong side effects. A trade off is inevitable and some times the side effects are greater than the benefit. The expansion of genetically modified food crops to rural economies in the third world has brought the problems of the western world to the door step of third world countries poorly equipped to deal with changes in lifestyles. A summary of factors leading to hardening of the arteries and heart disease
Unhealthy diet high in saturated fats
High blood pressure
Stressful lifestyles
Smoking (up to 300% higher)
Lack of exercise
Consume a high fiber diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Reduce animal fats, red meat, fried and processed foods, white sugar and salt.
Reduce caffeine, avoid smoking and alcohol.
Composition Terminalia arjuna bark This herb has been conclusively proven to have heart protective and blood pressure lowering activity. Studies have shown that extracts relieved heart pain and lowered blood pressure. It has also been shown to improve irregular palpitations. It increases the force of contraction and assists the nutrient supply to the heart, resulting in the heart muscle gaining energy and the number of heartbeats is reduced. Crategus oxycantha The fruits are cardiotonic, coronary vasodilator. It is reputed to dissolve deposits in thickened and sclerotic arteries. Various clinical studies reveal increased cardiac performance and output: decrease in peripheral vascular resistance; decrease in pulmonary arterial and capillary pressures; reductions in blood pressure at rest and during exercise; and improved metabolic parameters.This herb improves circulation and nutrition to the heart by dilating the coronary blood vessels. Various clinical studies reveal increased cardiac performance and reduction in blood pressure at rest and during exercise. Coleus forskholii (Forskholin 4%) Detailed pharmacological studies established that forskohlin lowered normal or elevated blood pressure in different animal species through a vasodilatory effect and that it had a positive intopic action on the heart muscle . The antihypertensive effects of forskohlin were attributed to a decrease in peripheral resistance by action of the drug on arteriolar smooth muscle. The positive inotropic effects of forskohlin in the cardiac muscle were shown to be initiated by stimulation of the myocardium cell membrane adenylate cyclase, followed by a rise in cyclic AMP, an activation of membrane-bound protein kinases, a lowering of the membrane bound Na+, K+ -ATPase activity and activation of the slow calcium gate, and an activation of cytopalsmic protein kinases. Coleus Forskohlii, shows that the plant kingdom offers excellent prospects in the search for further potent cardiac agents.
Boerhaavia diffusa The cardiovascular action of this herb has been clinically studied. Due to its diuretic activity it is specific for heart conditions with fluid retention. Withania somnifera Withania somnifera has been variously described as the most important medicinal plant in India. It has been used in most preperations due to it's confimed immunomodulatory action. This herb has been the focus of hundreds of clinical studies and is one of the most exhaustively researched herbs. The anti-stress activity of the roots of Withania somnifera has been reported in multiple clinical studies. Ashwagandha has been used in treatment of most debilitating diseases.

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